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2024 Winter Session Connect Group Leader Training
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JANUARY DNA Devotional
Day | Title | Scripture |
1 | God Wants to Bless You (Planted …) | Psalm 1:1-3 |
2 | Are You Listening? | Luke 1:38 |
3 | The Balanced Life | Luke 2:52 |
4 | Making Changes God’s Way | Luke 3:3, 10-11 |
5 | Counterattack | Luke 4: 4, 8, 12 |
6 | The Fear of the Lord | Proverbs 1:7 |
7 | Marching Orders | Psalm 5:3 |
8 | Do You Trust Him in All Things? | Luke 5:4-7 |
9 | Hearers and Doers | Luke 6:47-49 |
10 | Are You Too Religious? | Luke 7:33-34 |
11 | Just Desperate Enough | Luke 8:43-45 |
12 | The One Question that Really Matters | Luke 9:20 |
13 | Close Enough to Complain | Psalm 6:2 |
14 | Are you F.A.T.? | Luke 10:21 |
15 | The “Ask” that Changed My Life | Luke 11:13 |
16 | He Sees All and He Cares | Luke 12:6-7 |
17 | The Day I Met Bob Reeve | Proverbs 2:6-7 |
18 | What’s Crippling You? | Luke 13:10-13 |
19 | He Knows What You Think | Luke 14:1-6 |
20 | Small is Not Insignificant | Psalm 8:3-4 |
21 | Be a Likeable Person | Luke 15:1 |
22 | What Will Convince You? | Luke 16:31 |
23 | Your Secret Power | Luke 17:4 NLT |
24 | From Impossible to Possible to Done | Luke 18:27 |
25 | When Bad People Succeed | Psalm 10:13-14 |
26 | The Unexpected Guest (Zaccheus) | Luke 19:5 NLT |
27 | Zombies Aren’t Real (God of living) | Luke 20:38 |
28 | Heaven’s Economy (Widow’s Mite) | Luke 21:1-4 |
29 | The Place of Pressure (Gethsemane) | Luke 22:42 |
30 | Love Wins (Father forgive them…) | Luke 23:34 |
31 | The Risen King | Luke 24:5b-6a |
January 1
God Wants to Bless You
1 Blessed is the man Who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, Nor stands in the path of sinners, Nor sits in the seat of the scornful; 2 But his delight is in the law of the Lord , And in His law he meditates day and night. 3 He shall be like a tree Planted by the rivers of water, That brings forth its fruit in its season, Whose leaf also shall not wither; And whatever he does shall prosper.
God wants to bless you! Do you honestly believe that?
Adam and Eve were encouraged by the Lord to be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion. This is the original, pre-“fall” and pre-sin intention of God for mankind. So when we return to the Lord, and Jesus forgives our sins and sets us free from them we have the Divine’s restored intention of blessing and fruitfulness for our life.
The pathway to God’s favor and pleasure is by “planting” ourselves by streams of Living water. We do this by meditating on His Word, and getting our strength from Him.
Where will you plant yourself this year?
Why not make this the year that you grow roots in the Lord that can reach the deep places of God, drawing from the refreshing stream of His presence?
January 2
Are You Listening?
When the angel Gabriel appears first to Zacharias and then to Mary, Mary responded in faith when she proclaimed, “…be it unto me according to your Word!” (Luke 1:38), whereas Zacharias was temporarily muted for not initially believing the angel’s declaration, “…because you did not believe my words which will be fulfilled in their own time” (Luke 1:20).
God speaks to us today through a variety of means: the Bible, friends, circumstances, impressions, and even more supernatural ways as well. The question is not, “Is He speaking?” The issue is, are you listening, and do you believe and act on what He says?
Agreement with God is just as important as hearing Him. And hearing from the Lord is vastly more valuable than speaking to Him. We spend way to much time focused on learning what to say to Him, and way too little time listening to Him.
At this new year, what is God speaking to you…get healthy…be a more considerate spouse…commit to the Lord’s work…prepare yourself for a promotion…start a Bible study…go on a mission trip…spend more time with your family?
Let’s be more like Mary and as we hear His voice respond definitively, “…be it unto me, according to your Word!”
January 3
The Balanced Life
And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men. Luke 2:52
Have you ever driven in a car where the tires have not been balanced? Even in our late-model vehicles with advanced suspension, a tire not in balance reverberates all the way through the steering wheel and is felt by everybody inside. Out-of-balance wheels make for a bumpy ride.
There is a balance in life that is God-ordained. Just as Jesus walked in this understanding, you and I can too.
- Wisdom—both natural and heavenly wisdom. What are you doing to develop your mental capacities this year?
- Stature—physical health is critical to being able to live for the Lord without restriction. Are there some decisions you can make to be healthier?
- Favor with God—that’s on you, not Him! He’s done everything necessary through the Cross. How can you adjust your life to embrace His goodness more fully?
- (Favor with) men—the social/relational dimension of living is important. How are your relationships, not just the superficial ones, but the more intimate ones as well?
Life is not that complicated, but some folks make it look impossible. If we decide to be healthy in our body, strong in our mind, intent in our spirituality, and pleasant in our relationships, then the peace and favor of God will rest on us.
Today, “balance” your life by assessing your level of performance and functioning in these four areas. Then, when you discover a lack of balance in an area, make the decision to correct it, and the unnecessary bumpiness of your life will be eliminated.
January 4
Making Changes God’s Way
Luke 3:3, 10,11
3 And he (John the Baptist) went into all the region around the Jordan, preaching a baptism of repentance for the remission of sins… 10 So the people asked him, saying, “What shall we do then?” 11 He answered and said to them, “He who has two tunics, let him give to him who has none; and he who has food, let him do likewise.”
We sometimes think of John the Baptist as a wild-eyed, eccentric, vegetarian, hermit that the locals went to observe when they were bored.
Nothing could be further from the truth. Jesus said about John the Baptist, “For I say to you, among those born of women there is not a greater prophet than John the Baptist;” (Luke 7:28.) The nation was compelled to seek out and listen to this man, speaking directly and clearly about right and wrong.
There is coming a time in our culture when this nation of people, exhausted from the pursuits of self-interest in every form of life—finances, relationships, education, sexuality, and even spirituality—will hear the call to wholeness and reject the futile and destructive ways of the flesh and the world.
John had a divine calling on his life to prepare people for the coming of Jesus. This message still rings true today:
- Repent—stop doing what you’re doing, don’t just be sorry, change things.
- Do NOT count on your religious traditions to obtain God’s favor.
- Open your eyes and act generously with all people. Stop taking advantage of others and instead, be more than fair, be generous.
- And mark this decision with action by getting baptized.
Are you truly ready for changes in your life? The wisdom of John the Baptist rings true today. Stop deceiving yourself and rationalizing your selfish, greedy, God-ignoring behavior and come clean with the Lord and then with those around you.
And to lock in this private decision, take a public step such as baptism, which makes a resounding declaration of your intentions both to those you love and the entities of the spiritual realm.
Or, you could just choose to live this year the same as all your previous years…
January 5
Luke 4:4,8,12
“…Man shall not live on bread alone.”
“…Worship the Lord your God and serve him only.”
“…Do not put the Lord your God to the test.”
Do you recognize these statements?
These words are so common they are almost clichés. Directives that are repeated often in church…so often that we don’t even hear or respond to them.
But one “power” Satan, heard these words clearly. These are the three responses of Jesus recorded in Luke 4 in defeating the temptations of the enemy, causing him to flee. He preceded each time by the declaration, “it is written!”
When we are under the attack and the oppression of the enemy, we plead, shout, rebuke, cry, and do more in an effort to be free. Jesus simply and definitively provided the instructions to keep the enemy far from us.
- Feed your soul on the Word of God.
- Worship and serve Him only.
- Have faith without presumption or demand. God is not your genie.
What’s your counterattack against the enemy? May I suggest that like Jesus you get the “It is written…” in your arsenal?
January 6
The Fear of the Lord
“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge,” (Proverbs 1:7)
Fear is a word that evokes an immediate emotional reaction in most of us and not a good one. When we read that we are to “fear” the Lord it is easy to understand one’s anxiety. Questions arise like, “What happened to the God of love and comfort? Where is He?”
Maybe the following will help clear up some confusion.
Many people have been taught or assume that God is always angry, pernicious, or essentially uninterested in us. That is not the God of the Bible, or the message of the Savior.
Others think that the Lord simply winks at our sin dismissively, or that He’s sort of like a genie, waiting for our next request. This perception is equally mistaken and perilous.
“The fear of the Lord” means to be in genuine awe, respect, and reverence of the Almighty. That He is never to be taken lightly. But that does not preclude His comfort and goodness to each of us.
As a comparison, I had a wonderful and loving earthly father who was caring enough to discipline and correct me when necessary. Sometimes, when I had misbehaved I knew there would come a time of “encouragement,” but this never affected my awareness of his great compassion and concern for me.
The “fear of the Lord” is not being scared of Him. He loves you! Let us be quick to repent, follow His ways, and know that He will lead us in the right way.
This is the beginning of true knowledge.
January 7
Marching Orders
My voice You shall hear in the morning, O Lord ; In the morning I will direct it to You, And I will look up.
Psalm 5:3
How you start the day may determine how your day goes. As a follower of Jesus, there’s no better way to begin a day than in a quiet time with our Lord.
I am not one to be rigid on the scheduling of private time with the Lord, because I maintain that anytime is a good time (and quite frankly, I’m not much of a morning person anyway.) That said, there remains a common sense wisdom to seeking the Lord before your day gets underway.
It is entirely logical to get your “orders” before beginning any endeavor, and spending time with the Lord brings His peace to our sometimes chaotic and challenging world. Even Jesus in His humanity found it critical to be in early morning contact with the Father.
Jesus prayed first thing daily, “Now in the morning , having risen a long while before daylight, He went out and departed to a solitary place; and there He prayed.” (Mark 1:35)
Jesus also prayed late, “Now it came to pass in those days that He went out to the mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God.” Luke 6:12
And Jesus prayed often, “So He Himself often withdrew into the wilderness and prayed.” Luke 5:16
So regardless of when you pray, don’t let a day go by without seeking the Lord in prayer and feeding upon His Word.
January 8
Do You Trust Him in All Things?
When He had stopped speaking, He said to Simon, “Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.”
5 But Simon answered and said to Him, “Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing; nevertheless at Your word I will let down the net.” 6 And when they had done this, they caught a great number of fish, and their net was breaking. 7 So they signaled to their partners in the other boat to come and help them. And they came and filled both the boats, so that they began to sink.
Luke 5:4-7
True spiritual maturity means that He is Lord over every dimension of your life, even the areas in which you are extremely capable. Are you excluding the wisdom and leading of the Lord in the professional arena of your life?
Simon Peter and his friends were seasoned fisherman and familiar with the Sea of Galilee. They grew up on the lake working in the family business and knew how to make a living with their boats and nets. Then here comes Jesus, a carpenter and part-time rabbi, giving authoritative direction to Peter and the others about where to find the fish.
Wisely, Peter ignores his instincts and follows the Lord’s instructions yielding a catch for the record book (all the locals had a successful month at the Master’s commands.)
My question for you today is , “Do you trust Him even in the areas where you feel like an expert? Or do you subconsciously decide, “I’ve got this”?
Many ministries mistake expertise for spiritual maturity and wind up with gifted people leading out of personal resource, not Godly guidance. There is a big difference. Without reliance upon the Lord, we can find ourselves working hard without a harvest. “Unless the Lord builds the house, They labor in vain who build it” (Psalm 127:1).
Jesus knows…
where your next sale is coming from…
which bid is going to be accepted…
how to design that program…
what to do with the difficult people under your management.
Do you trust Him enough to let Him lead and help you in all areas of your life?
January 9
Hearers and Doers
Whoever comes to Me, and hears My sayings and does them, I will show you whom he is like: 48 He is like a man building a house, who dug deep and laid the foundation on the rock. And when the flood arose, the stream beat vehemently against that house, and could not shake it, for it was founded on the rock. 49 But he who heard and did nothing is like a man who built a house on the earth without a foundation, against which the stream beat vehemently; and immediately it fell. And the ruin of that house was great.”
Luke 6:47-49
In this chapter of Luke, we learn in the most practical terms the difference between God’s ways and man’s ways. Beginning in the earlier verses, Jesus highlights the “radical-ness” of Kingdom living with truths like:
- Love you enemies
- Give more than asked
- Forgive quickly and greatly
- Expect to be criticized or even mocked
- Judge not
- Have a healthy soul (heart); don’t live with deep-seated resentment and bitterness.
But the crucial point of all these truths is revealed in the passage cited above. Here Jesus contrasts clearly the discrepancy between the person who does what Jesus teaches versus the one who merely hears His words.
This is not a self-serving requirement declared by our Lord, but a directive to us indicating how to deal with the storms of life. The only way to survive and thrive is to wholly embrace heaven’s way of living…Kingdom living. This path of life allows your heart to be tender and not tough, your hand to be open and not closed, your attitude will be inviting and not exclusive, and your soul will be full of life and not death.
Are you building a solid life that can withstand any and all forthcoming challenges?
January 10
Are You Too Religious?
“For John the Baptist came neither eating bread nor drinking wine, and you say, ‘He has a demon.’ 34 The Son of Man has come eating and drinking, and you say, ‘Look, a glutton and a winebibber, a friend of tax collectors and sinners!’”
Luke 7:33-34
Jesus is not a fan of religion, and He did not come to start Christianity. Jesus left heaven on a mission to set mankind free from the cruel oppression of the prince of this world, Satan. Along the way, however, He ran into the most unusual of opponents, those who claimed to be God’s people. Specifically, the religious leaders had become preoccupied with sacred activity rather than seeking and knowing God personally. The Bible describes them as Scribes, Pharisees, and Sadducees. In Jesus’ day, these ultra-religious influencers first rejected the call of John the Baptist to repentance, and shortly thereafter became opponents of Jesus Himself.
Here, we note Jesus’ interaction with these “leaders.” It seems that no matter what lifestyle was modeled, the austerity of John, or the freedom of Jesus, it was wrong in their eyes.
Occasionally we may find ourselves exposed to a ministry, which is not “our cup of tea” and we tend to feel that something is wrong with how they are doing things. The truth is that their style differs from our preferences. We make comments like, “boring…too flashy…not enough Scripture…too much Scripture…” and on it goes.
When this happens, first may I suggest that you keep an open mind for something that can be learned; second, that you are slow to reject entirely; and thirdly that you are painstakingly cautious before you openly criticize the ministry of another person.
My experience is that when you forget who the real enemy is, and start to battle within the “ranks” you’ve played into the devil’s hands by removing yourself as a force in the Kingdom.
“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places” (Ephesians 6:12).
January 11
Just Desperate Enough
Now a woman, having a flow of blood for twelve years, who had spent all her livelihood on physicians and could not be healed by any, 44 came from behind and touched the border of His garment. And immediately her flow of blood stopped. 45 And Jesus said, “Who touched Me?”
Luke 8:43-45
A little known fact of history is that Israel’s laws of purity protected the Hebrews from widespread exposure to viruses, bacteria, germs, and other now known infectious diseases. Those same laws however, often left affected people isolated and possibly even shunned within their community. Such was the case with this woman who had spent her wealth trying to recover her health, all to no avail. As Jesus came to town, she was just desperate enough to violate the religious laws preventing her from physical contact with anybody and decided to reach out and touch the Healer.
In the crowd around Jesus, many people reached out to touch this “rock star” popular rabbi through whom entire towns and villages were being changed.
But only one touched Him with faith!
God speaks the language of faith (I know most of us think it’s English or at least Spanish).
Do you need something from the Savior? I don’t mean the frivolous material items we are all so anxious to possess. What I mean do you need God to do something in your life that no other resource is ever going to be able to do?
- A change in your marriage that no amount of counseling will accomplish?
- Admittance to the right school for your future?
- A restoration of a valued relationship that has not responded to your most generous efforts?
- The resolution to a case that has depleted your resources and energy?
- A victory over a habit that has taken control of your life?
The Lord is always here, listening and looking for that reach of faith. Turn to Him today, and ask Him to do what nobody else is able to do.
If you need agreement in prayer, email us at .
January 12
The One Question That Really Matters
He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?”
Luke 9:20
In our lifetime, we are asked millions of questions ranging from the mundane and ridiculous to the crucial and life altering things.
“Will you marry me?”
“Do you promise to uphold…?”
“What do I have to do to put you in a new vehicle today?”
“Have you answered all these questions honestly?”
“Where were you last night?”
If what we believe about eternity is true, then the question Jesus posed to His disciples is the most important question. Scripture states that everybody will be asked that same question.
The answer to Jesus’ query needs to be more than academic or even factual. Peter’s answer, “you are the Christ” is correct, and the Savior’s acknowledgement validates its importance. But the answer that changes everything is slightly different. Here is Peter’s response:
“Jesus, you are my Lord and Savior!”
The Bible says that “if you believe with your heart, and confess with your mouth, then you are saved and eternity is yours” (Romans 10:10).
Let me ask you a question. Have you sincerely and honestly considered the question, “Who do you say that Jesus is?”
The Bible says, “at the name of Jesus every knee should bow , of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth,” Philippians 2:10.
Making Jesus the Lord of your life makes every other question so much easier to answer because He will always be with you to lead and guide you and give you His wisdom.
January 13
Close Enough to Complain
Have mercy on me, Lord , for I am faint; heal me, Lord , for my bones are in agony. 3 My soul is in deep anguish. How long, Lord , how long?
Psalm 6:2
One of the most wonderful things about a truly great relationship—marriage, family, or friend—is the space to just speak your mind, share your pain, and freedom to allow the tribulations of life to pour out. King David who authored most of the Psalms had this closeness with the Lord, close enough to lament.
In today’s reading of Psalm 6 and 7, we see David crying out from the depths of his being the anguish, sickness, mourning, and frustration of being the innocent target of derision, mocking, and threats of the enemy. He also reflects on the isolation of his own brokenness pleading to once again feel close to his Lord.
Our heavenly Father is always willing and able to handle our vulnerabilities, mistakes and even rebellions. Even when Adam and Eve sinned and went into hiding, God sought them out (not vice versa.)
Hiding, secrecy, isolating, and pretending are not part of healthy relationships, especially not with your spouse or a trusted friend, and certainly not with the Lord. Remember, if it requires “spilling your guts” or sounding like you’re complaining, a really great friend will help you reconnect to a place of healing and victory.
Notice the end of Psalm 7, verse 9, “The Lord has heard my cry for mercy; the Lord accepts my prayer.”
The Savior is your best friend. He always hears, understands, forgives, and restores.
Get to know God well enough that you can complain to Him, and you’ll end up knowing how much He loves you…and love always sets people free!
June 14
Are You F.A.T.?
At that time Jesus, full of joy through the Holy Spirit, said, “I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. Yes, Father, for this is what you were pleased to do.”
Luke 10:21
The goal of a teacher, professor, trainer, coach or pastor is to transfer knowledge and skill in a useable manner. Almost every mentor prefers to deal with people who are open and teachable. Most of the time that requires folks who have not yet been rutted in their thinking or behavior.
Jesus was not raised among the elite of Rome or even the highly educated of Jerusalem. He grew up in rural Nazareth, among farmers, fishermen, and blue-collar workers. When His time came to impact the world with the Good News of the Kingdom, He followed the instructions of His Father and recruited from those without religious, philosophical, or any form of higher education. He refers to them as “children” not in the sense of being naïve, but in the manner that they were sincerely open to the “Jesus way” of doing life and ministry. Those chosen changed the course of the world, and more importantly the eternal fate of much of mankind.
He chose F.A.T. people:
Would you have sought out Jesus if you lived 2,000 years ago in Palestine? Do you see yourself as teachable?
I love the phrase about Jesus’ pleasure in hearing the victorious reports of ministry, “At that time Jesus, full of joy through the Holy Spirit…”
Can’t you sense His excitement about finally seeing His team in action and hearing of the tremendous successes they experienced (Luke 10:17)? This is any teacher’s greatest joy.
I’ll bet you never thought of being FAT as a positive!
January 15
The “Ask” that Changed My Life
If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him!” Luke 11:13
I grew up in an incredible, contemporary, and soul-winning church. A church that was not afraid of change, and certainly not anchored in tradition. But like all congregations, there were spiritual dynamics not understood and mostly overlooked. The most significant of these was its position on the Holy Spirit, which was not taught or encouraged in any significant manner.
As a teenager, this “new” realm of Holy Spirit living intrigued me. I learned that the fullness of the Holy Spirit is available to all believers. Previously, I had only heard about and responded to the call to make Jesus “Lord” of my life, my Master and Savior. This choice requires both desire and discipline but nobody told me about the power to actually keep that commitment. If there is one thing that is frustrating about the Christian life, it’s trying to live like Jesus without the resources to do it.
Around 18 years old, I began to study and seek to understand this “Holy Spirit”, sometimes referred to as the Holy Ghost, (which just confused me even more). I discovered that the Holy Spirit is:
- A “person” that can be embraced or rejected, grieved or made joyful;
- The expression of God that lives inside me;
- The one who gives power for living and witnessing;
- The one who guides, corrects and comforts…
…The list goes on and on as to what the Holy Spirit brings to each and every believer.
The last hurdle for me prior to embracing the fullness of the Spirit was overcoming this caution preached to us, “If you open yourself up to the ‘spiritual realm’ you might end up with the wrong kind of spirit!”
This ignorant admonition scared me and gave me pause until I read the passage cited above. It was then that the peace of Christ penetrated my heart and assisted in my understanding that just as my earthly father wanted good things for me, how much more so would my Heavenly Father give me good things—the Holy Spirit—if I simply asked.
I asked, and He did!
Never let fear, ignorance, tradition, or outside influences keep you from seeking all that God has for you! If you seek Him, you will find Him; if you ask, He will provide!
January 16
He Sees All
“Are not five sparrows sold for two copper coins? And not one of them is forgotten before God. 7 But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.”
Luke 12:6-7
Being a parent, grandparent, a loving aunt, uncle, or caretaker makes it is easy to understand how a watchful eye protects the innocent. Children think they are off by themselves in some adventure, when in actuality they remain under the oversight of protective eyes. The same is true of our Heavenly Father’s care as we go about our daily activities.
Earthly life is a wonderful precious gift that ought to be enjoyed and embraced. However, daily living without an overarching eternal awareness of His love can easily lead to a pre-occupation with worldly things. We exaggerate our needs, wants, relationships, dreams, and worries when we see them as the ultimate that life has to offer. Excessive anxiety about what we need and how to “get ahead” is a plague to joyful heart.
Jesus promises us that our Father knows and cares about our situations and tells us “do not fear, you are of more value…” How are you doing at letting God take care of your earthly concerns?
We live “in” this world, but the truth of God’s Word is that we are not “of it”. The conviction that this earthly life is temporary, that situations pass, and that God is watching over us, reminds us that one can live above circumstances being confident in the shelter of His love.
Since we live in this world, let us never forget that He is watching over our every concern, and let’s trust Him while living with childlike enthusiasm.
January 17
The Day I Met Bob Reeve
For the Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding. 7 He holds success in store for the upright, He is a shield to those whose walk is blameless,
Proverbs 2:6-7
Do you ever have those family reunion events where you meet people for the first time that you’re actually related to? Awkward isn’t it?
At one of those moments a number of years ago, I met a cousin of my father also bearing the name Bob Reeve. He and my Dad grew up together. I had heard about him and his business success but I had not met him personally. Our conversation was brief, and he said one thing directly to me that I’ll never forget.
“Your father’s life was a way better life than mine.”
My Dad chose Jesus, while Bob chose himself.
Dad chose church, Bob chose cocktails.
Dad chose family, Bob chose business.
Dad chose serving others, Bob chose bank accounts.
Real success is not measured in the material realm alone. Real success is doing things God’s way. With the Lord, there are no regrets. Wisdom is the ability to see things from God’s perspective, and the courage to make choices based on that insight. The good news is that “He holds success in store…” when you do it the Jesus way.
God’s ways are always better!
January 18
What is Crippling You?
On a Sabbath Jesus was teaching in one of the synagogues, 11 and a woman was there whom a spirit had crippled for eighteen years. She was bent over and could not straighten up at all. 12 When Jesus saw her, he called her forward and said to her, “Woman, you are set free from your infirmity.” 13 Then he put his hands on her, and immediately she straightened up and praised God.
Luke 13:10-13
Heaviness of heart…clouds of oppression…the darkness of depression…the pain of betrayal…so many hurtful moments in life can become the defining pattern in how we live if we allow them.
I hear married people talk about unhappiness in their marriage, and single folk remark how awkward they always feel without a spouse; workers complain about their jobs, and the unemployed about finding one; parents often at odds with their children, and the childless envious of families.
The enemy of our soul will use any circumstance to “cripple” the life God has given to us. His goal is to convince us that negative and debilitating situations are our lot in life…permanently.
Jesus can and will free us from this oppression. He can straighten the way, bring light to darkness, and joy to sadness.
Come to Jesus today and let Him lift your head. Like the woman healed at Jesus’ touch, praise will erupt from you, and you will be restored!
January 19
He Knows What You Think
Now it happened, as He went into the house of one of the rulers of the Pharisees to eat bread on the Sabbath, that they watched Him closely. 2 And behold, there was a certain man before Him who had dropsy. 3 And Jesus, answering, spoke to the lawyers and Pharisees, saying, “Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath?”
4 But they kept silent . And He took him and healed him, and let him go. 5 Then He answered them , saying, “Which of you, having a donkey or an ox that has fallen into a pit, will not immediately pull him out on the Sabbath day?” 6 And they could not answer Him regarding these things.
Luke 14:1-6
This healing accomplished in the home of a Pharisee on the Sabbath is loaded with religious implications, but an observation that may go unnoticed is that subsequent to this miracle the group remained “silent.” Jesus still “answered” their thoughts even though it was not vocalized.
When you read the Word, your thoughts are answered. Hebrews 4:12, For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
The power of the Bible is that it speaks to us deep within our spirit, soul, and mind. It redirects our thinking before thoughts have a voice or give birth to action. That’s usually a really good thing.
Jesus, as the Living Word, communicates with us regularly. He silences the enemies of our soul, while healing and repairing our hearts, body, and soul.
Let us learn the Word, love the Word and live the Word.
January 20
Small is Not Insignificant
When I consider your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars, which You have set in place, 4 what is mankind that You are mindful of them, human beings that You care for them?
Psalm 8:3-4
Your smart phone has more processing power than all the NASA computers that put Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin on the moon in 1969. You are far more likely to be affected by a germ, than any other danger. If there is one thing that this culture should know, it’s that small does not mean insignificant.
Yet, when you listen to the talking heads--culturists, philosophers, or the most brilliant of astrophysicists--you are bombarded with the smallness and alleged insignificance of our planet, much more so the importance of one person, in light of the vastness of the universe.
This is true that we are small in almost every way. We a small in terms of physical matter, small in regards to culture, small in regards to history, small many times within our own world and the list goes on. It would be depressing to contemplate except for one amazing fact: the Almighty God thinks you are awesome, significant, unique, wonderful, fascinating, influential, priceless and precious. Friend, if the Creator sees you, small or not, as irreplaceable, then that is what you should base your life on.
Jesus said it this way, “But the very hairs of your head are all numbered” Matthew 10:30…and He even knows the original color. He loves you!
God can and will create a new heaven and a new earth, but he can’t make another you. You are one of a kind…me too!
January 21
Be a Likeable Person
Then all the tax collectors and the sinners drew near to Him to hear Him.
Luke 15:1
People liked Jesus. Farmers came to meet Him. Village and townspeople came. Foreigners sought Him often, and seasoned fisherman followed Him. Travelers extended their stay to listen to Him and folks of other nations wanted to meet Him. Even people not interested in “God” things drew near to Him. As a matter of fact, the only people who seemed to have a problem with Jesus were excessively religious people, and that’s because they were protecting their “turf”.
Do people like you?
My wife, Sherry, is always helping people wherever we go. Grocery stores, movie theaters, restaurants, Starbucks, walking…basically, wherever we are she looks to assist somebody in need. And, my Mom starts a conversation with everybody she meets, then within minutes they’re smiling and thinking about visiting church.
Two incredible women in my life, who like Jesus, seem to emanate genuine interest and concern, and don’t we all love to feel seen and heard.
Determine to make it your goal today to be interested in people and make some friends outside of your normal social circle. Remember, people don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care!
January 22
What Will Convince You?
But he said to him, ‘If they do not hear Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded though one rise from the dead.’
Luke 16:31
This parable of Jesus directed at the Pharisees was a very serious and sober warning about presumption and spiritual deafness. At its core is the admonition that an unreceptive heart does not see God’s actions or hear His voice regardless of any demonstration of power.
Just a few months after this interaction, Jesus was crucified, buried, and rose from the dead. Although Jesus was 100% accurate, the Pharisees still held to a deluded perspective about Him.
Before we shake our heads in disgust at the Pharisees, how many times do we not listen to God? Sometimes we do trust God, but many times we just trust in ourself.
We all like to see the “proof” but the fact is that we need to have faith and a heart for God prior to His miraculous work.
Paul writes, “For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools,”( Romans 1:20-22a).
The Almighty’s “prints” are plainly revealed in both the intricacies of creation and the written Word. Our requests to “see more proof” are not going to be accommodated; and even if they were, it still would not be enough for a heart hardened to spiritual realities.
Still need convincing? Remember the issue is not God’s actions; it’s you and your lack of faith. The good news is that it just takes a small step of faith to open wide the windows of heaven.
January 23
Your Secret Power
“Even if that person wrongs you seven times a day and each time turns again and asks forgiveness, you must forgive.”
Luke 17:4 NLT
“Eat your vegetables…put on your jacket…brush your teeth…go to sleep…look both ways before crossing the street…” these are familiar parental directives heard in every home. Why? Because these commands help children to be kept safe and healthy.
The Lord wants us to have a healthy heart and soul, but you can’t do that if it is polluted with un-forgiveness. Every person gets hurt, offended, betrayed, ostracized, and manipulated. These transgressions are upsetting and make our heart ache. This pain usually turns into anger and resentment, and we often find ourselves playing mental “war games” in retaliation. Thank the Lord it’s just imaginary or no place would be safe on this earth.
Jesus gives us the answer, “you must forgive.”
Sometimes this sounds as ridiculous as our parent’s instructions did in childhood, but the truth is that forgiveness is good for you. It keeps your heart from becoming hard and your mind clear of the debris of unchecked emotions.
When we forgive, we tend to think that we are being so gracious that the offender ought to collapse at our feet in gratefulness. Has this actually ever been another’s response toward you? Me neither.
Forgiveness may do something in the other person, but we don’t forgive based on the response; we forgive because it’s the right thing to do, it’s good for us, and Jesus forgives us 24/7/365.
Forgiveness is the secret power of the follower of Jesus.
January 24
From Impossible to Possible to Done
But He said, “The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.” Luke 18:27
Do you have a story of a “God moment” in your life?
Most of us who know Jesus experience those dramatic, breathtaking God events at different points in our lives.
- A restoration of a dead relationship.
- The home we thought we would never get.
- The mission trip we never imagined.
- A physical healing.
- Blessings that arrive at just the right time.
- A promotion or business opportunity that takes your life to a whole new level.
Only the Lord takes us from the impossible, to possible, to done. It’s what makes following Him so thrilling and challenging!
These miraculous moments of the past become the confidence for our future. God will intervene and act when we move in faith, and invite Him into our life’s situations.
Just this week I had the opportunity to tell the story of my remarkable healing and my body’s perfect response to medical treatment to a doctor not involved in the process. She simply shook her head and said that she had never heard of such an incredible recovery.
Impossible without God, becomes possible and done with God.
Jan 25
When Bad People Succeed
Why do the wicked renounce God? He has said in his heart, “You will not require an account.”
14 But You have seen, for You observe trouble and grief, To repay it by Your hand. The helpless commits himself to You; You are the helper of the fatherless.
Psalm 10:13-14
Do you ever just throw your hands up in despair wondering how God can allow crummy, ill intentioned, God-haters to see such success and reward? We all preach and pray for God’s favor, and then it seems to land on people who ignore or even deride faith. It’s frustrating to say the least.
The Psalmist had these same issues. I’m often struck by the forthrightness of David and the other writers as they highlight the apparent injustices amongst humanity. The cry is usually something like, “God, where are you?”
We see it too often; wicked people doing wicked things to good and even vulnerable people. Whether you are the victim of such ill will or observe it from a distance, it sometimes appears that God is uninterested in us and our faith is futile.
Nothing could be further from the truth. God does care. His heart is broken over man’s inhumanity to man. He hates poverty, inequality, unjust distribution of wealth, violence, starvation, disease, prejudice, intolerance, hypocrisy, greed, exploitation…all of these are expressions of hell’s most vicious attacks on mankind.
It also breaks His heart when you and I make choices out of our selfish sinful nature; when we take advantage of situations to our own gain and to another’s pain, when we ignore the need of others and then go shopping, or when we allow mocking of others, secretly thankful that it’s not us.
Jesus came to break that curse and to stop and rob it of its power! The church, meaning you and I, are commissioned to be His body and take His victory to a very broken world through prayer, intercession, and action.
The gains of the godless are always temporary. But the rewards of the righteous are eternal. If it doesn’t always show up in this lifetime, but it most certainly does in the next.
Don’t worry…He has everything under control.
January 26
The Unexpected Guest
When Jesus came by, he looked up at Zacchaeus and called him by name. “Zacchaeus!” he said. “Quick, come down! I must be a guest in your home today.”
Luke 19:5 NLT
Most married men learn early on that surprising your wife with guests at dinnertime does not always go over very well. For many women, hospitality is something they enjoy but they like to plan for it, not be startled unexpectedly Husbands likewise prefer planning their work, and not being interrupted with “chores” or “honey-do” lists. Bottom line, we all desire to be in control of situations, and not be susceptible to the spontaneity of another.
Zacchaeus found himself in the oddest of situations. He wasn’t a tall man, or a popular man. As matter of fact, he was despised by a fair amount of people for being a Jewish representative to the hated Roman government and responsible for collecting taxes from his people. While this position made him wealthy, it did not earn him any points with his community. However, Jesus changed everything.
Jesus enters Jericho and with all the adoring crowds identifies Zacchaeus and invites Himself for supper. This was something of an audacious move on Jesus’ part. First, He is the unexpected guest, and secondly He stuns the onlookers by choosing Zacchaeus, of all people, with whom to spend time.
We don’t know whether or not Zacchaeus’ house was ready for such a preeminent guest we don’t know. We do know however, that he was both shocked and excited at the opportunity to be with Jesus.
Perhaps you too have experienced the suddenness with which Jesus can change your world? If you seek Him, rest assured that He already knows your name and can’t wait to spend time with you.
“Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door , I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me”.—Revelation 3:20
Is He welcome in your home?
January 27
Zombies Aren’t Real
“For He is not the God of the dead but of the living, for all live to Him.” Luke 20:38
I love entertainment, but wouldn’t you agree with me that we’ve had enough of “zombies”? You know, those dead people who through some mutation of genetics or wild disease become the “undead” and remain essentially to harass the living. Darker imaginations run wild with these fantasies, but I wonder if it isn’t just an expression of our culture’s concern about what happens when we die.
One of the most natural things for any contemplative person is to consider the “after life.” Some believe that we are just recycled back into this world based on our deeds—reincarnation. Most secularists believe we are just organized amino acids that decay and die, nothing but cosmic dust forever. But the hope of the believer is that God has a purpose both in this life and the one to come.
Jesus’ words, reflected in today’s verse, are proclaimed in the context that the past patriarchs Abraham, Jacob, and Isaac are “currently” alive. Jesus knows this because He came from heaven where these men and presumably millions of others exist. He is the living witness of heaven’s reality and subsequently the hope of life after death.
God is the God of the living. One of the most important factors in choosing faith is understanding that there is more to life than the years we live on earth. The Bible says that our human life is just a shadow of what is real, and what is to come. The Creator is not a concept just to help you manage the issues of this world, but He is the Almighty God ready to be with you for eternity. He is our God now and forever.
Friend, just as your mind finds space for doubt, let it find room for faith- not because it’s comforting, but because it’s the only option that makes sense.
The Almighty will always be our God…eternally.
January 28
Heaven’s Economy
And He looked up and saw the rich putting their gifts into the treasury, 2 and He saw also a certain poor widow putting in two mites. 3 So He said, “Truly I say to you that this poor widow has put in more than all; 4 for all these out of their abundance have put in offerings for God, but she out of her poverty put in all the livelihood that she had.”
Luke 21:1-3
What does generosity look like?
While observing the presentation of gifts in the temple, Jesus identifies the significant discrepancy in currency amounts between the rich and the poor widow. The gap was astonishing.
At the same time, the gap in heavenly currency between the hearts of the givers in presenting their offerings was just as great. Why? Well it is certainly not that a small amount given, if given with a really genuine heart, is what we need to aspire to (although, that is what some people think).
The point here is that heaven’s economy is based on equal sacrifice, not equal amounts. The widow gave all she had, and all she could give. The rich gave exponentially more, but apparently what was relatively easy for them. Jesus’ profound evaluation of the gift was based exclusively on the currency of heaven. The widow in having the faith to trust God with her all , positioned herself for heaven’s favor.
So the question is, do you give out of convenience or faith? Your time, your talent, and your treasure are all resources that you have stewardship over. One thing we have learned is that you can’t “out give” God. And your sacrifice needs to be the best you have, not just a “tip”.
January 29
The Place of Pressure
“Father, if it is Your will, take this cup away from Me; nevertheless not My will, but Yours, be done.”
Luke 22:42
Life brings pressures. We all face challenges that put knots in one’s gut and cause sleepless nights. Financial stress, relationship difficulties, health challenges…unfortunately, nobody can avoid pressure, but you can go to the place of prayer to find strength.
Jesus while praying in the garden of Gethsemane (olive press) was Himself under the most unimaginable pressure. He knew what was coming and everything within Him did not want to go through the impending arrest, beatings, mock trial, and crucifixion. As the pain of the inevitable reached its peak, He poured out His heart to the Father, hoping against hope that maybe there was another way; yet, He was fully convinced that the Father’s will was all that mattered.
Certainly the pressure on our Savior was greater than anything we could encounter, but we do learn how to face our most difficult moments through Christ’s example.
When you’re under pressure, turn your attention upward, not inward not outward, and certainly not downward. Look to the One who sees all, and trust Him.
When you’re under pressure, bring all the pain and anxiety to the Lord and ask Him for His will.
When you’re under pressure, ultimately arrive at the point where you affirm resolutely, “not my will, but Yours, be done.”
When you arrive at the place of pressure, remember that your Savior has already been there to make a way through for you.
January 30
Love Wins
Then Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.”
Luke 23:34
At a university physics class in the late ‘40s, a professor opened the first day of class with the question, “What is the greatest power in the world?” This was asked just a few years after the end of WWII, with the atom bombs exploding in Japan, and the subsequent reality that mankind had entered a new era of terrifying power.
So the students answers revolved around the obvious response, “atomic power”.
One student offered a different perspective. “Love is the greatest force known to mankind.”
That student was a young man who modeled a truly loving way of life; and I know so because he was my father.
The moment that truly changed the course of the world was not violence and destruction, but Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ, giving Himself for mankind.
Such great love amidst such great hate.
Jesus spoke these words while on the Cross--the Innocent dying for the guilty, the Pure sacrificing for the defiled, the Giving surrendering to the taking.
Let’s be honest, we put Jesus on the Cross with our selfishness, greed, lust, pride, insolence, and rebellion. Such ways of living are the chains of sin empowered by the forces of hell. Jesus came to break that curse. He did it with His life because He loves us.
It seems to be increasingly difficult in a world of vitriol and violence that love can win. But it always will.
Try loving somebody that doesn’t deserve it today. I don’t mean being co-dependent, but love them despite their words and actions.
I want to be on the side that ultimately wins…the Jesus side, the side of love!
January 31
The Risen King
“Why do you seek the living among the dead?
6 He is not here, but is risen!
Luke 24:5b-6a
Nothing of death is from heaven. Death is always an enemy but because of Jesus it is a defeated foe. The grave could not hold Jesus because life always defeats death. Please don’t misunderstand me, death is a journey that our physical bodies will experience, but that is a transition, not a termination. Jesus came to destroy the curse of death. The devil’s work is death and destruction. Jesus is all about life. Jesus declared, “I am the way, the truth and the LIFE!”
You cannot find things of life among the dead, and you’ll never meet the living God if you’re seeking Him among the dead rituals of religion or the emptiness of philosophy. This one fact of faith is terribly disturbing to the skeptic and cynic. That Jesus rose from the dead and His guarantee that we will too, is a hope that defies the anti-God mind.
Our King is a risen King! He is the One with whom we can have a personal relationship, and an eternal hope. Because Jesus rose from the dead, we too anticipate resurrection to our eternal bodies.
God is the God of life. Where He is, life will invade. His life can touch decaying relationships, fading dreams, wasted talents, lost time, and decreasing treasure. Let the life of God bring resurrection to every expression of your life.
Leave the graveyard and seek heaven’s great adventure.
Day | Title | Scripture |
1 | Spiritual Check-up | Psalm 15 |
2 | Happy? (Choose wisdom) | Proverbs 3:13-14 |
3 | Close at Hand (Kingdom closeness) | Acts 1:3 |
4 | The Gift | Acts 2:38,39 |
5 | Give What You Have (Healing of lame man) | Acts 3:6 |
6 | Who’s Your Mentor? (Been with Jesus) | Acts 4:13 |
7 | Allegiance (Obey God, not man) | Acts 5:29 |
8 | Trouble Sleeping? (He instructs in PM) | Psalm 16:7 NIV |
9 | What Are You Full of? | Acts 6:3 |
10 | Learning From the First Martyr | Acts 7:59-60 |
11 | Why Baptism? | Acts 8:35-37 |
12 | Luck or Love? (How God works) | Psalm 18:1-3 |
13 | The Convert Who Changed the World | Acts 9:1-6 NIV |
14 | Does God Know? (Giving and praying) | Acts 10:3-4 |
15 | Christian? (Love or 6-6-6) | Acts 11:26b |
16 | The Heart of the Matter | Proverbs 4-3 |
17 | Of Miracles and Martyrs (Peter delivered from jail) | Acts 12:5-10 |
18 | Detours Do Not Change Destiny | Acts 13:44-46 |
19 | Jesus Is Always Present (Church signs) | Acts 14:3 |
20 | The Pain of Presumption | Psalm 19:12-13a |
21 | Keeping It Simple (Jerusalem decree) | Acts 15:28-29 |
22 | Not Debate, but Demonstration | Acts 16:29-31 |
23 | Life Coach | Proverbs 5:21 NLT |
24 | One Blood (Good News for all nations) | Acts 17:26-28a |
25 | “Grilled Preacher” | Acts 18:24-26 |
26 | Is Something Missing (Holy Spirit @ Ephesus) | Acts 19:2-6 |
27 | How to Get Happy (Giving is better) | Acts 20:35b |
28 | This is Important and Remarkable (Messianic Psalm) | Psalm 22:16b-18 |
February 1
Spiritual Check-up
Lord , who may abide in Your tabernacle? Who may dwell in Your holy hill?
2 He who walks uprightly, And works righteousness, And speaks the truth in his heart; 3 He who does not backbite with his tongue, Nor does evil to his neighbor, Nor does he take up a reproach against his friend; 4 In whose eyes a vile person is despised, But he honors those who fear the Lord ; He who swears to his own hurt and does not change; 5 He who does not put out his money at usury, Nor does he take a bribe against the innocent.
He who does these things shall never be moved.
Psalm 15
We get physical exams for our bodies, maintenance for our vehicles, inspections for our homes, and performance evaluations at our jobs. Above is the Psalmist’s prescription for a spiritual check-up.
The Psalmist identifies four areas of right living for the person who desires to be close to the Lord:
- Verse 2- Personal uprightness—it all starts with being honest with yourself and living that out daily. Do your actions reflect a heart for God?
- Verse 3- Relational reliability—that which is inside of you will come out in your interactions with others. You can’t say you love God, and treat others like dirt.
- Verse 4a- Spiritual alertness—the awareness that the activities of the wicked are not to be laughed at, entertained, or approved of; and, in contrast a God-person celebrates those who walk with God. Would you rather worship or watch “comedy central”?
- Verses 4b & 5- Financial integrity—generosity and an open hand reflects a soul that is truly God-led, not self-interested. When was the last time you gave to someone who does not have the ability to repay you or give back?
How’s your spiritual health?
February 2
Happy is the man who finds wisdom, And the man who gains understanding; 14 For her proceeds are better than the profits of silver, And her gain than fine gold.
Proverbs 3:13-14
You may not call it wisdom. You are probably not even aware that you are seeking it. But God’s ways are better and something down deep in the best part of you knows that. Consequently, you feel bad when you take advantage of a situation, regret being rude, are repentant at your own expense, and put your self at risk for the sake of the vulnerable. You give more than you can realistically afford, and do for others even though they are entirely unaware of your sacrifice. This is the presence of God and the beauty of a life led by wisdom, and not by self-interest.
King Solomon had a dream in which he asked the Lord not for power, popularity, fame, prestige or wealth; rather he asked simply, “…give to Your servant an understanding heart to judge Your people, that I may discern between good and evil…” (1 Samuel 3:9).
You will never go wrong in seeking wisdom--not merely intelligence, but wisdom, not information but transformation, not academics but true education, and not just insight but understanding.
And in the seeking, you’ll find happiness.
February 3
Close at Hand
To whom He also presented Himself alive after His suffering by many infallible proofs, being seen by them during forty days and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God.
Acts 1:3
How close is the Lord? For many of the first century followers of Jesus, He was close enough to touch. He is also close to you and me today.
Luke records for us these final words and works of Jesus before His ascension as He emphasized one last time a familiar theme with the Apostles, “the Kingdom of God.”
Three years earlier, the initial ministry of Jesus announced the arrival of the Kingdom of God. Every miracle, healing, deliverance, and compassionate act was a demonstration of the presence of a new Power on the earth. He broke the grip of the enemy off multitudes of people under all types of oppression. However, it was at the Cross that Satan’s hold on mankind was permanently released. The sacrifice of Jesus’ death pulled mankind out from under condemnation and placed us in the protective provision of Divine forgiveness. The devil has no claim over you once you call upon the name of the Savior.
You and I are beneficiaries of that work. We are citizens of the heavenly realm, carriers of the message of the Kingdom. The enemy’s only power against you is deception and treachery; he has no rightful claim upon you because of the power of the blood of Christ.
Jesus declared, “…The Kingdom of God is at hand!” (Mark 1:15).
Look at your hand. That’s how close the Kingdom is. It’s the one message that Jesus made sure was crystal clear before He departed.
What’s “close at hand” in your life? A Bible or a bottle? A promise or a pill? Faith or a fantasy? A friend or the Friend?
When you don’t know what to do…the answer is as close as your hand.
When you need some encouragement…the answer is as close as your hand.
When you feel alone…the answer is as close as your hand.
When you want to retaliate…the answer is as close as your hand.
When you’re depleted…the answer is as close as your hand.
The Kingdom is here, now! The realm of heaven is more real than the material dimension we live in.
Just look at your hand.
February 4
The Gift
Then Peter said to them, “Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. 39 For the promise is to you and to your children, and to all who are afar off, as many as the Lord our God will call.”
Acts 2:38-39
Jesus’ earthly ministry was the “game changer” in terms of impact, but as much as Jesus accomplished, He was acting alone. That’s why before He left the earth He reassured the disciples saying, “I will not leave you as orphans… It is to your advantage that I go away… I will send Him to you” (John 14:18; 16:7); He knew that the arrival of the Holy Spirit, the Gift of God to every believer, would truly multiply His ministry without any limit or restriction.
The Holy Spirit, the “Gift” or the “Promise”, is available to every follower of Jesus throughout all of time. His arrival in our lives is not accompanied by the dramatic external demonstrations of “tongues of fire and the sound of the mighty rushing wind” but the power for internal change is just as dramatic. There is a new language on the lips of the believer filled with the Spirit and a resource of spiritual energy as relentless as ocean waves.
Ephesians tells us, “And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit ,” (5:18).
When I lose momentum and focus, or when I become apathetic and too self-interested, I normally discover that my walk with the Lord has devolved into some sort of routine. It’s then that I recall the incredible promise of Jesus to fill me with His Spirit and the reminder to be re-filled regularly. The resource of the Holy Spirit is always available to me; I’m just susceptible to hindering the flow.
To re-release the fullness of the Spirit in my life, I repent before God, “baptize” myself in His Word, and ask Him for the fullness of the Spirit. Not as a formula, but as a sincere seeking.
Perhaps today you find yourself running on your own resources, not His. Bring your heart before Him, and the Gift will once again be released in you.
February 5
Give What You Have
Then Peter said, “Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk.” Acts 3:6
The lame man begged daily at the temple court entrance. Every person passing through the colonnade to the temple court would encounter this beggar. He had been doing this his entire lifetime. This day however turned out to be different from anything he could have imagined in his wildest dreams. Peter speaks to him and then in an audacious display of faith pulls him up from the ground. Instead of collapsing like a rag doll, he lands on his feet with his legs full of strength, and begins to walk, jump, and shout praises to God. Peter gave the man not what he asked for or anticipated. He gave him the healing power of Jesus.
Nobody knows for sure how many times Peter and John, and even Jesus, had potentially passed by this lame beggar. Perhaps it was dozens of times. This occurrence gives rise to the question, “What was different this time?”
The one factor that had changed is the presence and power of the Holy Spirit in Peter and John. It was the Holy Spirit’s divine directive to these Apostles to engage the man. In this moment, the faith for healing passed through Peter to the lame man, and his life was forever changed.
Today, you will encounter many people, most of whom will go unnoticed. Perhaps none will seek anything from you. But as you go, listen to the Holy Spirit, and you too may be the conduit of a Divine act of grace.
You have the potential to brighten a person’s day with a smile, an encouraging word, a prayer, a conversation, physical assistance, a promise from the Word, an invitation to church, a listening ear, a surge of faith for a specific need, a shoulder to cry on, a timely text or phone call.
Give what you have. It may not change the whole world, but it will change one person’s world.
February 6
Who’s Your Mentor?
Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated and untrained men, they marveled. And they realized that they had been with Jesus .
Acts 4:13
When we do pre-marital counseling, we frequently ask an engaged couple what their parents’ marriages were like. The answers run the gamut of responses but one thing is definite, what was observed in the home, educates and directs how future relationships are experienced.
All of us are being mentored whether we know it or not. Parents, teachers, friends, coaches and bosses show us how to live or work either purposefully or unintentionally. The question is not, “Do I have a mentor?” The issue is, “Who am I going to let mentor me?”
Trainers each have unique approaches and their way of doing things becomes their “signature.” In football, you can tell that a young quarterback has been to a certain camp, or a baseball player trained in batting by a particular instructor, or a golfer drilled in swing techniques with a specific coach. I’m sure the same thing is true of the arts, sciences, and the trades. People live, act, and work out of their training.
Peter and John were quickly identified as men who had been with Jesus. They sounded like Him, ministered like Him, and possessed His boldness and resoluteness. I doubt there is a greater compliment in Scripture than the recognition of being like the Savior.
Do you seem like a person who spends time with Jesus?
Obviously, He is not here physically; but we have the written Word, and we have the Holy Spirit whose job it is to reveal Jesus. Each follower of Jesus has plenty of opportunity to spend time with Jesus. It is only in letting Him mentor us through His Word, prayer, and the Holy Spirit’s leading that He transforms us.
John the Baptist stated it best, “He must increase, and I must decrease.”
Who or what are you becoming like?
February 7
But Peter and the other apostles answered and said: “We ought to obey God rather than men.”
Acts 5:29
The conviction declared by the Apostles is indeed every believer’s first allegiance. Their commitment to the Lord Jesus was offensive to the Jewish religious culture, but this was an important moment for the future of the faith. It is critical that we understand the context of this bold assertion. In this instance, the very birth of the church was at stake and failure to stand up for the Gospel may have led to its early demise.
The New Testament speaks definitively of walking and living in peace with all men, and not unnecessarily creating conflict and division. Paul, in carrying the Good News to pagan cultures, was careful not to attack culture (although he did question it.) That said, he still found himself in prison often.
As our modern culture moves further away from anything resembling Judeo-Christian values, we find our convictions in conflict with current living. How then do we live in this post-Christian America? When and where do we plant our feet and say “I obey God, not men!”
First, obey God in your personal lifestyle so that you have something of credibility to stand on. The Apostles were ministering and healing people everyday—they had a testimony.
Next, be aware of the context of your present circumstance. Work is the place to do work, not to preach. If you have committed to making “widgets”, then make them for God’s glory. You can preach and witness all you want after work. If your school requires you to learn “facts” and theories that you don’t agree with—learn them and then become smart enough to argue against them. Be smarter than the world.
If, God forbid, your job, school, or community requires that you renounce Christ in order to get a promotion or grade or to be accepted, then you calmly and firmly announce your allegiance to the Lord and prepare yourself for any consequences.
Where law becomes so corrupt that it violates worship expression, then at that time you stand your ground—whatever happens. This is not yet common in our country, and prayerfully never will be. But if the government prevents witnessing, or intervenes in worship, or attempts to censor the preaching of the Word (this has happened already in random cities in America), then we simply but boldly stand in faith and proclaim, “I must obey God.”
While we proclaim, “God bless America”, yet:
We walk under one banner—Jehovah is Lord.
We sing one anthem—Amazing Grace.
We pledge allegiance to one authority—Jesus the King.
February 8
Trouble Sleeping?
I will praise the Lord , who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me.
Psalm 16:7 NIV
Some psychologists describe your brain function like an iceberg; the portion above the water is your conscious mind and that under is like your unconscious mind. That means there is a whole lot more going on inside your brain of which you are unaware, than there is of which you are aware. If this approach is accurate, it helps to make sense as to the activeness of our mind when we are sleeping (or at least attempting to sleep.) It also makes our dreams a little more fascinating and perhaps even slightly more relevant.
One of my mentors believed that your sub-conscious or unconscious mind continued to solve problems or deal with thoughts and issues at night. She believed that dreams did provide a window, albeit somewhat hazy at best, into the issues and problems that plague us. It is a theory that provides an explanation for so much of our anxieties and immediate reactions to situations.
Can you imagine how much runs through the mind of a man like King David, or perhaps the President? How any person of significant responsibility ever falls asleep is beyond me.
David experienced something incredible about God. If he praised Him and set his mind and heart on Him, He instructed the king even when he was asleep.
I believe that wholeheartedly. Many times I will have a Bible verse or the stanza of a song running through my pre-conscious mind just as I wake up. I am convinced that the Holy Spirit is ministering to me in my sleep, preparing me for the day ahead, and protecting me from the anxieties of the enemy. That’s one reason I love to worship and to read God’s Word, it counteracts the influences of the day and the pressures of life.
May I suggest that if falling asleep or sleeping soundly is a challenge for you that you try listening to worship music or reading God’s Word in the evening before going to bed?
The Good News is way better for your spirit than the late news.
February 9
What Are You Full of?
Therefore, brethren, seek out from among you seven men of good reputation , full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom , whom we may appoint over this business.
Acts 6:3
The first church in Jerusalem was growing so rapidly that the beginnings of an organizational structure occurred. The Apostles asked the church to identify men who were able to carry forward the business of the church.
Of particular note is that the men selected were to be truly godly men, full of the Spirit and wisdom. The operations of the church are not to be done in a spiritual vacuum, devoid of the presence of God. Rather, church business and activities are to be overseen and run by people full of God.
Wherever you serve in the church make sure God is your partner. You may have tremendous capacity for certain endeavors, but without God they simply become man-made accomplishments. It is a joy to serve as a teacher, children’s worker, artist, vocalist, usher or greeter. But everything should be done with God’s favor and grace, not apart from it.
Actually, for the follower of Jesus, even your job, education, or business activities should all have the Lord at the center.
Can you imagine how effective you may become if you really asked the Holy Spirit to assist you? Regardless of what you’re facing today, you can invite God’s direction. Ask Him to move obstacles, and for specific discernment.
You’ll be amazed at how good God will make you look when you’re full of the Holy Spirit!
February 10
Learning from the First Martyr
And they stoned Stephen as he was calling on God and saying, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.” 60 Then he knelt down and cried out with a loud voice, “Lord, do not charge them with this sin.” And when he had said this, he fell asleep.
Acts 7:59-60
Acts 7 records the declaration of Stephen concerning the historical failure of self-interested men to see God’s plan or listen to His messages through the prophets. Humankind is no different today and won’t likely change in the future. The pursuit of self is contrary to seeking God.
Hostility towards those who proclaim God’s truth is nothing new. Stephen suffered this brutal attack on his physical body but declared Jesus-like love, saying, “Lord, do not charge them with this sin.” While being pummeled with rocks and apparently still standing during this horrific assault, a bloodied and dying Stephen chooses to kneel down and pray on behalf of his attackers. At this point, we read that “he fell asleep” or died. Like His Savior, Stephen refused to let hate fill his heart.
While there are more worldwide martyrs for Christ than ever before, the odds are small that we will be threatened physically because of our faith. We do however have choices everyday between self and others. Daily, we see people giving up their own “life” to serve others. For example:
- The adult providing care for an invalid relative, instead of being able to enjoy retirement.
- The single parent working all day to support a family, and all evening to run a household.
- The gifted professional leaving a lucrative career to serve a neglected people group.
- The mom who assists her special needs child, painfully aware that she is unavailable to join her friends for a coffee.
- The father, who for the sake of his children, remains in an unfulfilling marriage when everything within him wants to move on.
- The teenager who befriends the social outcast and suffers the ignorant shunning of popular friends.
Are you a sacrificial person?
February 11
Why Baptism?
Then Philip opened his mouth, and beginning at this Scripture, preached Jesus to him. 36 Now as they went down the road, they came to some water. And the eunuch said, “See, here is water. What hinders me from being baptized?” 37 Then Philip said, “If you believe with all your heart, you may.” And he answered and said, “I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.”
Acts 8:35-37
What do people think of when you say the word “church?” Images of kneeling, songbooks, repeating hard to understand phrases, or people wearing robes speaking from a raised platform are some of the most common ideas.
But if we consider the activities or “traditions” that are actually in the New Testament it boils down to two, communion and baptism.
Most believers celebrate the Lord’s Supper (or communion) as directed by the passage of Scripture “do this as often as you gather.” Baptism is the other activity that was clearly commanded by Jesus and embraced by every expression of the early church.
In this interaction with the Ethiopian, Philip explains that new life in Christ is marked by baptism. It is so vital that it was the essential point of action in demonstrating belief in Jesus. New Testament baptism was total immersion joined by an important declaration of faith, “I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.”
This profession is the essence of sincere conversion, while baptism is the physical display of faith. Peter on the day of Pentecost stated, “… “Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” (Acts 2:38)
Putting it all together, giving your life to Jesus involves these elements:
- True repentance, meaning not only remorse for sin but also a change of direction.
- A declaration of faith in Jesus as the Son of God, Savior, and Lord.
- Baptism as the physical action reflective of the spiritual reality.
- And, the invitation of the Holy Spirit’s fullness into the heart.
This is how we respond to God’s grace. His gift of salvation is received by the sincere faith in our heart, declared in our profession, and demonstrated in baptism.
That’s when life really starts!
February 12
Luck or Love?
I will love You, O Lord , my strength. 2 The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; My God, my strength, in whom I will trust; My shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. 3 I will call upon the Lord , who is worthy to be praised; So shall I be saved from my enemies. Psalm 18:1-3
In the wake of a monumental moment of deliverance and protection, David cries out in praise and gratefulness to the Lord. When we read such exclamations of God’s greatness we assume that some supernatural intervention such as a voice from heaven, or thunderbolts must have been involved; but no such thing happened. Saul’s pursuit for David was interrupted by an attack of the Philistines against the Israelites. Saul re-purposed his forces to defend his country, and subsequently abandoned his search of David. The eyes of natural man see merely good luck. David knew it was the loving hand of God.
God can and will deliver you from ungodly enemies. Most likely, He will alter circumstances to accomplish His purposes.
- Do you have a supervisor that treats you crummy? God can move him.
- Do you have a legal judgment against you that is preventing you from moving forward? God can get that released.
- Is your child’s teacher unfairly and unnecessarily harsh on your child? God can change her heart.
- Is there a medical procedure you need but insurance is unwilling to cover? God can reverse that decision.
- Does your spouse seem to serve everybody but neglect you? God can open their eyes to your hurt.
As you declare your trust and strength in God and not on your own manipulations, you actually release your grip on a situation, and then free God to work on your behalf.
God’s deliverance may not look like a supernatural intervention; but rest assured He is your Deliverer. Seek Him during the struggle, and praise Him for the victory.
It’s because He loves you, not because you’re lucky.
February 13
The Convert Who Changed the World
Meanwhile, Saul was still breathing out murderous threats against the Lord’s disciples. He went to the high priest 2 and asked him for letters to the synagogues in Damascus, so that if he found any there who belonged to the Way, whether men or women, he might take them as prisoners to Jerusalem. 3 As he neared Damascus on his journey, suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him. 4 He fell to the ground and heard a voice say to him, “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?” 5 “Who are you, Lord?” Saul asked.
“I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting,” he replied. 6 “Now get up and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do.”
Acts 9:1-6 NIV
Saul, (later “Paul”), experienced the most dramatic and spectacular conversion related in the Bible. His transformation has affected more people than any other believer (except for Jesus Himself.) Amazing Grace could easily be the anthem of his life. Most of the known world was reached with the Good News because of him.
God has called you too. He has placed you precisely in this time and place to live for Him and to reach your world. Your salvation story may not be as audacious as Paul’s, but it is just as important to Jesus. He loves you, and wants to partner with you to display and reveal His love for those in your world.
- You are significant.
- You are necessary.
- You are precious.
- You are important.
- And, because of Him, You are entirely worthy.
Ultimately, the Lord wants you to be…the convert who changes your world.
February 14
Does God Know?
About the ninth hour of the day he saw clearly in a vision an angel of God coming in and saying to him, “Cornelius!” 4 And when he observed him, he was afraid, and said, “What is it, Lord?” So he said to him, “Your prayers and your alms have come up for a memorial before God.”
Act 10:3-4
The angel of God appears to Cornelius with some specific instructions but prefaces it with the acknowledgment that both Cornelius’ “ prayers and alms have come up for a memorial before God.”
Two common areas of frustration and confusion exist for many followers of Jesus:
- Does God even hear our prayers?
- Are my financial contributions really seen by God or are they just to an earthly organization?
When we pray, (and it is my conviction that you should pray verbally) it sometimes seems like the vocal vibrations go no further than a few feet and just bounce off the ceiling. It doesn’t even seem to matter how fervent, desperate or passionate our prayers may be; it can sometimes feel like an exercise in futility.
But that’s not what the Bible says. “Now when He had taken the scroll, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb (JESUS), each having a harp, and golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints .” (Revelation 5:8)
God hears every prayer and cares.
Secondly, giving is an area that may appear to be merely an earthly endeavor. We sometimes think, “Well, my church needs money to operate, so here it is.”
The Bible says, “ Honor the Lord with your possessions and with the first fruits of all your increase . (Proverbs 3:9)
Our giving honors the Lord. Why? Because He recognizes the sacrifice involved in giving, and He loves the church (after all He is the head of it anyway).
The angel appearing to Cornelius confirms that both our prayers and our giving (alms) move the heart of God.
He knows.
February 15
And the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch.
Acts 11:26b
The word “Christian” literally means ‘belonging to Christ’ or ‘follower of Christ.’ Previously, believers in Jesus had been referred to as people of “the Way” (Acts 9), but here an identification was established that stuck and subsequently defines the most embraced religion in history.
Are you a person who belongs to Jesus?
Jesus said, “By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another” (John 13:35). A title without the accompanying behavior is really quite meaningless. Too many people in church circles talk about the mark of the beast or “666,” but not enough about L-O-V-E. This is the only mark for which Jesus looks.
The title “Christian” has come to define a school of thought, tradition, or religion. But what it really provides is definition to a person who has decided to follow Jesus in thought and action, and who has a relationship with Almighty God.
Unfortunately, the media culture of today has absconded this precious word and tagged it with untruths like, “intolerant, hostile, ignorant, naïve, or neurologically disordered,” (Jesus did say that in this world we should expect tribulation.)
Bottom line, my life defines me. And in living for Jesus, I pray that I’m deserving of the Biblical designation, “Christian”.
February 16
The Heart of the Matter
Keep your heart with all diligence, For out of it spring the issues of life.
Proverbs 4:23
“The heart wants what it wants.” --Selena Gomez, Pop Star.
There really is nothing new under the sun. The heart is the core of our being, the seat of our emotions, and the dimension of us that leaps with joy but can also break in pain.
King Solomon, the man the Bible states was the wisest person ever, attempted to teach many lessons to his children, but perhaps none more critical than learning to protect the heart. This lesson is easily overlooked in a culture that celebrates feelings over facts, fantasy over reality, and self over others.
This verse teaches that we can make a choice to “keep” (or protect) our heart. The implication is clear; you do have a choice over where you let your heart go, who you let “have” your heart, and to what you let your heart get connected.
The most surprising mistakes I’ve seen people make have to do with issues of the heart. An unguarded heart leads to inappropriate affections, and ungodly desires. People leave families and futures over some “overwhelming” desire of the heart.
Here’s wisdom’s advice, protect your heart. Not in a paranoid “nobody’s gonna’ hurt me” way, but in the sense that you don’t allow affections to go off in directions that will harden your heart against God.
Keep your heart from…
…the wrong love interest. They may be cute, but you can’t build a life on cute.
…worldly desires. Sin is fun for a season, but in the end it leads to destruction.
…selfish pursuits and greed. The lust for money destroys the beauty of generosity.
If the heart wants, what it wants, then make sure it wants the right things. The choice is yours.
February 17
Of Miracles and Martyrs
5 Peter was therefore kept in prison, but constant prayer was offered to God for him by the church. 6 And when Herod was about to bring him out, that night Peter was sleeping, bound with two chains between two soldiers; and the guards before the door were keeping the prison. 7 Now behold, an angel of the Lord stood by him, and a light shone in the prison; and he struck Peter on the side and raised him up, saying, “Arise quickly!” And his chains fell off his hands. 8 Then the angel said to him, “Gird yourself and tie on your sandals”; and so he did. And he said to him, “Put on your garment and follow me.” 9 So he went out and followed him, and did not know that what was done by the angel was real, but thought he was seeing a vision. 10 When they were past the first and the second guard posts, they came to the iron gate that leads to the city, which opened to them of its own accord; and they went out and went down one street, and immediately the angel departed from him. Acts 12:5-10
An angel appears, restraint chains fall off Peter’s hands and together they walk out of the cell past two postings of guards and to the outer prison gate, which opens of its own accord. This miraculous deliverance of Peter from the clutches of King Herod was shocking to the followers in Jerusalem and even Peter himself. After all, Stephen had been stoned to death and James had just been killed. God’s plan for Peter was entirely different.
At the writing of this particular devotional, we have just witnessed the brutal execution of 21 Coptic Christian men. It is little known but more Christians are currently martyred every month than at any equivalent time in history. It is shocking, depressing, maddening and confusing. We tend to push these events out of our consciousness because we don’t know exactly what to do.
Verse five reads, “constant prayer was offered to God for him by the church.”
We can pray. We can give to appropriate ministries. We can serve the purposes of God locally and beyond. We can vote for people who will work to protect the unprotected. We can raise our voice and speak up. We can always demonstrate the love of God with the courage of faith.
Friend, when you find yourself captive to life’s situations remember that God is always with you. He can miraculously deliver you, and He can miraculously be with you through it.
Today, will you make a choice to pray for persecuted Christians?
February 18
Detours Do Not Change Destiny
On the next Sabbath almost the whole city came together to hear the word of God. 45 But when the Jews saw the multitudes, they were filled with envy; and contradicting and blaspheming, they opposed the things spoken by Paul. 46 Then Paul and Barnabas grew bold and said, “It was necessary that the word of God should be spoken to you first; but since you reject it, and judge yourselves unworthy of everlasting life, behold, we turn to the Gentiles.
Acts 13:44-46
It took decades for this moment to happen, the Gospel being redirected to Gentiles. Jesus had commanded His followers before His ascension “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations…” (Matthew 28:19.) As wonderful as the early church may have been, they detoured away from Jesus’ directive and kept the Good News primarily for the Jews. Most students of the Bible would agree that the specific conversion and calling of Paul fulfilled Jesus’ desire to get the Gospel to the nations. Here in Acts we see Paul declare the intention to target Gentiles (the world) with the Good News. We should all be thankful for this “re-routing” because most of us are the fruit of this divine event.
The longer we live, the more regret we can accumulate. Choices made along the journey of life determine the future we will live. Most people take detours away from God’s best only to discover that His ways are always better.
Here is some good news. A detour does not determine destiny. As a matter of fact, God can and will use detours to strengthen your calling.
When Sherry and I decided to start a new church we were in our late forties. I remember being concerned that perhaps we had missed God’s leading earlier in our life. I expressed that notion in a conversation with Dr. Jack Hayford and he remarked, “The experience you’ve gained will help you to build a solid ministry more quickly. You won’t have to learn from mistakes that younger people might make.” What a blessing to re-frame what felt like regret into a stepping-stone for success.
Perhaps you are dealing with pains of remorse about the past and its impact on your future. Be encouraged, God is not finished. He can use your past to promote your future. The worst thing you can do is dwell in the “should have’s”, “would have’s”, or “could have’s”.
It only takes a moment to redirect the purpose of your life.
February 19
Jesus Is Always Present
Therefore they (Paul and Barnabas) stayed there a long time, speaking boldly in the Lord, who was bearing witness to the word of His grace, granting signs and wonders to be done by their hands. Acts 14:3
Nothing significant happens in the church without the presence of the Lord. Luke records that Jesus Himself was “granting signs and wonders” in affirmation of the ministry of Paul and Barnabas.
The church with all its issues is still the body of Christ, and He is the head. Anything of beauty, goodness or supernatural occurs because He loves people and He loves the church. Because He is there, we should anticipate mighty things to happen!
God moves on our behalf not just to validate His truth, but also to bring His Kingdom to bear on our situations. The Lord’s Prayer includes, “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done.” This isn’t restricted to the promise of heaven or the second coming, but the intention to bring heaven to earth.
We are not the Apostles, but Jesus is Savior and Lord. He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow (Hebrews 13:8). When you face impossible situations remember that He is your God, and He heals, provides, comforts, protects, delivers, intervenes, and loves you.
It’s good to be the church.
February 20
The Pain of Presumption
Who can understand his errors? Cleanse me from secret faults. 13 Keep back Your servant also from presumptuous sins; Let them not have dominion over me. Then I shall be blameless, And I shall be innocent of great transgression.
Psalm 19:12-13a
Presumption is like playing with dynamite. You might not get blown up today or tomorrow, but sometime you’re going to make a mistake and then it’s too late.
People tend to be presumptuous in their relationships. We presume that the person who said “I do” always will. Parents presume that their little daughter, who is so perfect at 6, always will be. We presume that inheritance distribution will be fair, and that our family would never forget us.
People are presumptuous in their financial dealings. They presume that the price agreed on is the one the buyer will actually pay, that today’s double-digit rate of return in the stock market will continue without a drop, and that their current income will definitely grow to cover new commitments made.
People are presumptuous that their health will never change and that they’ll never experience the depths of despair.
And people presume in their spiritual life. They presume God’s grace will cover their sin and not be counted against them. Likewise they also presume that sin won’t have deleterious effects on God’s blessing or favor in life; and it won’t ever grow beyond the manageable.
The Apostle Paul suggests a different notion writing, “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked ; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap” (Galatians 6:7).
God’s grace and His unmerited favor, will protect you from the eternal punishment of sin, but not the impact it may have on your life. You can excuse selfish, and sinful behavior all you want, but like dynamite it’s probably going to blow up on you sometime.
What’s the answer? Cry out to God in sincere ‘presumption’ as King David did, “Cleanse me from secret faults”. We really are all sinners in need of a Savior.
February 21
Keeping It Simple
For it seemed good to the Holy Spirit, and to us, to lay upon you no greater burden than these necessary things: 29 that you abstain from things offered to idols, from blood, from things strangled, and from sexual immorality. If you keep yourselves from these, you will do well.
Acts 15:28-29
A very popular current television show is “Shark Tank” featuring venture capitalists listening to requests for investment in business start-ups. The most noticeable common denominator revealed in the thinking of these successful experts is the simplicity of their evaluations. They are interested in simple ways to understand products that solve common problems.
We live in a changing world that is pluralistic in nature. This is a world that needs the Good News of God’s love more than ever. The simple truth of Jesus is that He sets people free regardless of their language, customs, or culture.
The first church established in Jerusalem was comprised of Jewish converts to Jesus the Messiah. They never stopped honoring the Jewish customs, regulations or laws. In other words, they continued to live within their ethnicity. The only “Christianity” they knew looked a whole lot like typical Judaism.
When the Gospel penetrated the gentile pagan world, unfamiliar with Jewish lifestyle, a serious concern arose as to the expectations of how followers of Jesus should live. After all, shouldn’t they adopt a similar lifestyle to the believers in Jerusalem?
The council of Apostles and elders came up with this simple list:
- Abstain from things offered to idols- For followers of Jesus there is no place for celebrating the pollution of the soul. Anything that draws your heart away from the true God is wrong and offensive. Glorification of money, fame, fortune-telling, astrology, and even self, mean embracing a form of idol worship.
- From blood, from things strangled—in the 1st century world, meat that was not butchered correctly as instructed in the Levitical (kosher) laws would never be consumed by a person of Jewish descent. For that reason, if the Jews and Gentiles in the emerging church were ever going to be able to share a table together it was requested that the Gentiles make this concession. It is important that we learn to have fellowship with all believers even when customs are new or different.
- And (abstain) from sexual immorality—God’s standards for the expression of sexuality was preeminently clear in the Old Testament. The Gentile or pagan cultures had little or no morality in terms of sexual behavior; this was clearly inconsistent with God’s best for people. In our world today, which is “hell-bent” on becoming pagan, there is a crucial need for believers to understand and embrace a biblical standard of morality in their sexual life.
Putting this all together, the early church fathers were concerned with the common denominators of fellowship. Being able to “break bread” together, keeping from the pollution of culture, and learning the beauty of genuine relationships free from the exploitation of sexuality, are three simple steps to transforming lives and culture.
Seems like good advice for us living in this millennium too.
February 22
Not Debate, but Demonstration
Then he (the jailer) called for a light, ran in, and fell down trembling before Paul and Silas. 30 And he brought them out and said, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” 31 So they said, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household.”
Acts 16:29-31
It wasn’t preaching, it wasn’t a long conversation, it wasn’t a moving worship service or media presentation…so what was it?
This jailer in Philippi ran into the inner depths of his jail, each step jarring him with fear and confusion while hearing the voice of a prisoner calling out to him not in anger but in true compassion, “Do no harm to yourself, we are all here!”
Paul and Silas’ decision to convince all the prisoners to remain, despite their chain’s wall anchors loosening, provided an occasion for salvation instead of suicide. The jailer was ready to end his life at the failure to secure the prisoners (the earthquake would have provided no excuse to the authorities). However, Paul’s concern for a “jailer” whom he did not know touched the heart of this enforcer with God’s love.
It was the unexpected act of love, preferring the life of another before self that precipitated the heart cry, “What must I do to be saved?”
Typically, people come to God not out of debate but demonstration, not arguments but amazing love, not pleading but needing. God orchestrates events and moments in people’s lives to draw them to Him. All we have to do is offer, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved.”
Ask the Lord to create opportunities for you to demonstrate His love to others today. Each day you do that, your “random encounters” with others will become Divine appointments.
February 23
Life Coach
For the Lord sees clearly what a man does, examining every path he takes.
Proverbs 5:21 NLT
One of the more interesting new jobs that people have today is that of “Life Coach”. The essence of the position is offering specific guidance to an individual in pursuit of a definite achievement or goal. It seems to me that a good life coach could be extremely helpful for most people, albeit rather pricey.
Whether you need, want, or can afford a professional life coach, may I suggest that you begin with inviting the Creator to be your personal instructor? Proverbs is the best self-improvement book ever written. Solomon claims the secret to success begins with the “fear of the Lord.” Respect, admiration, and awe are aspects of what Biblical “fear” is really about, and likewise the qualities of a good coach.
Today’s verse says that the Lord sees our actions and examines our choices. Isn’t that exactly what you would want out of a mentor? Somebody to review, critique and support the journey of your life? The Father is ready to be that for you.
Invite His input regarding your life. Let Him show you how amazingly He designed you and where you need to choose different paths.
He knows this anyway, so you might as well ask Him to help you.
By the way, all it costs you is a teachable spirit.
February 24
One Blood
And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings, 27 so that they should seek the Lord, in the hope that they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us; 28 for in Him we live and move and have our being…”
Acts 17:26-28a
One of the weirdest exhibits I’ve ever seen for us non-biology types is the display of “plastinated” human cadavers (essentially skinless bodies in a variety of action poses) called “Body World”. Moving through the scenes, there is a description of the person who donated their body including gender, ethnicity, health history, height and weight. The one point that stands out is the similarity of each and every body. It is abundantly apparent that mankind is one race, Adam’s race.
Paul suggests this to the audience in Athens saying that we are all “one blood”, created by one God, who can be sought and found, and who gives us life and essence.
Humans group and separate themselves based on language, appearance, region, or interests. God created us more alike than we are different, and He has made Himself knowing and “not far from each one of us.”
Our life is found in the Creator. Early church father Irenaeus said
“The glory of God is man fully alive!” Jesus came to break the curse of the enemy and breathe life into us…all of us…for all time. He gave up His life for all people, everywhere. Paul’s declaration that the “unknown god” is the resurrected Lord Jesus, is the news that all nations need to hear. It is our similarities in needs, hopes, dreams, and awareness that draw us to the Creator.
One blood…one Savior…forever.
February 25
“Grilled Preacher”
Now a certain Jew named Apollos, born at Alexandria, an eloquent man and mighty in the Scriptures, came to Ephesus. 25 This man had been instructed in the way of the Lord; and being fervent in spirit, he spoke and taught accurately the things of the Lord, though he knew only the baptism of John. 26 So he began to speak boldly in the synagogue. When Aquila and Priscilla heard him, they took him aside and explained to him the way of God more accurately.
Acts 18:24-26
Here we meet a powerful preacher, Apollos, making an impact on the early church. We also note an important encounter between Apollos and two of Paul’s disciples, a married couple Aquila and Priscilla.
Apparently, Apollos’ message, while profound and fervent, lacked some important dynamics. We observe here that “Aquila and Priscilla heard him, they took him aside and explained to him the way of God more accurately.”
This is the gracious way for fellow believers to bring fullness to a message that may be deficient. There was no confrontation, no public challenge, no angry side conversations or snickers, and no disrespect. Aquila and Priscilla made time to speak privately with Apollos. We learn later in Scripture and in church history that Apollos’ ministry continued and was extremely valuable to the establishment of the early church. It might have been stopped before it even got started were it not for the wisdom of this couple.
Two millenniums later, the church is thriving and growing but still needs grace and wisdom in interpersonal dealings. Whether it’s a private matter or a point of instruction, we need to do things with God’s grace.
Don’t have “grilled preacher” for Sunday lunch! And don’t let your family or friends overhear your “concerns” about people at church. The right way to do things is to go to a person privately, one on one, and present the pertinent issues. Let the Holy Spirit handle it from there. Remember, Jesus said in Matthew 7:3, “And why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye?”
Ultimately, we all want to see the Kingdom released more fully in our lives and the world.
Make sure you’re part of the solution, not the problem!
February 26
Is Something Missing?
He (Paul) said to them, “Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?” So they said to him, “We have not so much as heard whether there is a Holy Spirit.” 3 And he said to them, “Into what then were you baptized?” So they said, “Into John’s baptism.”
4 Then Paul said, “John indeed baptized with a baptism of repentance, saying to the people that they should believe on Him who would come after him, that is, on Christ Jesus.” 5 When they heard this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. 6 And when Paul had laid hands on them, the Holy Spirit came upon them, and they spoke with tongues and prophesied.
Acts 19:2-6
Even the best chefs and kitchen warriors forget on occasion to add an ingredient to a recipe. For example, chocolate chip cookies without eggs emerge horribly flat--I’ve done that before. And, in sports, the best teams are the ones that play solid defense along with a productive offense. In music, a band without a strong beat held by a drummer is in trouble, and a movie may be acted out beautifully, but if the editing is weak the film is doomed.
Successful endeavors are those that are complete (or as Pastor Jack Hayford says, “full orbed”). Our walk with Jesus begins with the step of faith, but there are other crucial dynamics that feed a vibrant spiritual life.
Paul arrives in Ephesus to a small group of believers and asks the question, “Did you receive the Holy Spirit?...No, we haven’t heard about the Holy Spirit.” He knew immediately that something was missing. It was the power of God for living the Christian life, His Holy Spirit.
Friends, have you forgotten the role of the Spirit in your life? Have you limited or “grieved” the Spirit? Many years later, Paul writes in his letter to the Ephesians, “…be filled with the Holy Spirit.” (Ephesians 5:18)
If, like the first believers in Ephesus, you’ve never heard of the Holy Spirit, then ask Jesus to fill you with Him. But if along life’s daily grind you have restricted the Holy Spirit’s work in your life, then be “re-filled” today.
Don’t live another day with something or “Someone” missing!
February 27
How to Get Happy
And remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’
Acts 20:35b
When Sherry and I were first married and serving the Lord full time our finances were always tight. We drove cars given to us from her parents or used ones with well over 100,000 miles on them. Our vacations were short and budget constrained. We lived paycheck to paycheck. It was so tight that it was hard not to worry about any added expenses or unforeseen repairs.
Occasionally, a friend of the family would bless us with a little extra, and both of our parents slipped us extra cash more than once. Several times Sherry’s boss sat down and wrote her a check for $100.00 just to help us out. We were so blessed and thankful, and I remember wondering how it would feel to be able to bless others like that.
We’ve been married many years now, and finances are not a major stress. Many times over the past 20 years, both of us have had the opportunity to resource people, and Jesus was right- the happiness in giving by far exceeds the fun of receiving.
We’ve also decided to make every effort to pass the spirit of generosity on to our children and grandchildren.
There’s nothing wrong with wanting nicer or newer things, but it’s a greater joy to give to others. What can you give this week?
Here are a few ideas:
- Donate some of your nicer but lesser worn clothes now, not just when they are worn out or out of style.
- Serve at a food bank, or feed some homeless people.
- Pick up the coffee bill of a complete stranger.
- Take out (or bring in) the trashcans for an elderly neighbor.
- Carry an extra $20, $50 or $100 around and ask the Lord who really needs it.
- Pay for a friend’s gas while on an excursion.
The Biblical definition of the word “blessed” is simply “happy.” If you want to be happy, then be a generous and giving person.
February 28
This is Remarkable and Important
They pierced My hands and My feet; 17 I can count all My bones. They look and stare at Me. 18 They divide My garments among them, And for My clothing they cast lots.
Psalm 22:16b-18
Nearly 1,000 years before the birth of Christ, and centuries before Rome was even a place of importance, King David brings this prophecy of the specifics of the death of Christ including 1the piercing of hands and feet, 2the acute skeletal accentuation of being hanged on a cross, 3the crowd that would gather, and 4the soldiers’ haggling over the clothing of the crucified. Crucifixion had not even been conceived of as a means of execution, yet here in this Messianic Psalm we get an amazing description of this horrific death.
The New Testament writers validate this perspective citing, “Then they crucified Him, and divided His garments, casting lots, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet: “They divided My garments among them, And for My clothing they cast lots” (Matthew 27:35).
Skeptics dismiss this as later editorial redaction by the early church, (but then doubters reject all of the amazing fulfilled prophecies of the Bible anyway.) Such efforts are not as rational as critics make it sound. One has to ignore remarkable discoveries like the Dead Sea Scrolls to maintain such positions.
For followers of Jesus, this is a beautiful validation of the faith. Jesus, while in heaven foresaw His own sacrificial death and revealed a segment of that to His servant David.
My dear friend, He also knew that you would live during this time in history, and He made plans to bless you and cause you to be a champion. Jeremiah 1:5 records these words, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you:” Your life is not an accident or just a function of reproduction. You were planned and designed to live in this moment.
I love the words of the great British statesman Winston Churchill, “I was born for this hour!”
It’s all part of His plan.
MARCH DNA Devotional
Day | Title | Scripture |
1 | The Path of Persecution (Paul to Jerusalem against advice) | Acts 21:12-14 |
2 | Do You Have a Story (Paul’s conversion) | Acts 22:6-8 |
3 | Grandad’s Song (Jesus encourages) | Acts 23:11 |
4 | The Shepherd’s Psalm | Psalm 23:5b |
5 | You can’t handle the truth (Felix stops listening to Paul) | Acts 24:24-25 |
6 | Enemies Don’t Just Go Away (Jews still wanting to kill Paul) | Acts 25:2-3 |
7 | Same Message, Different Reactions | Acts 26:24-29 |
8 | Against All Odds (Safety in the storm) | Acts 27: 23-25 |
9 | Shake it Off (Paul shakes viper) | Acts 28: 3, 5. |
10 | Take on the Day (Laziness) | Proverbs 6:10-11 |
11 | If You’re Headed in the Wrong Direction, Turn Around (Repentance) | Psalm 25:15 |
12 | War Games * (Love from a pure heart) | 1 Timothy 1:5 NLT |
13 | He Really Doesn’t Deserve It (Despite unbelievers perspective, God always loves) | 1 Timothy 2:4 |
14 | Diplomatic Not Dictatorial (A tip on family life) | 1 Timothy 3:4-5 NLT |
15 | Church Alone is Not Enough (Exercise toward godliness) | 1 Timothy 4:7b-8 |
16 | Heavenly Partners (God, Jesus, Angels) | 1 Timothy 5:21 |
17 | More (Contentment) | 1 Timothy 6:6 |
18 | Credit Where Credit is Due (Give God thanks) | Psalm 27:1 |
19 | Boo! (Not a spirit of fear) | 2 Timothy 1:7 |
20 | “It’s Not You, It’s Me” (When words are insincere) | 2 Timothy 2:16, The Message |
21 | The Breath of God (Inspired) | 2 Timothy 3:16-17 |
22 | Finish Strong (Finish the race)* | 2 Timothy 4:7 |
23 | The Cosmic Policeman? (Anger is momentary; Favor for life) | Psalm 30:5 |
24 | “The Apprentice” (choose wisdom) | Proverbs 7:1-3 NLT |
25 | Pure in Heart (Purity) | Titus 1:15 NLT |
26 | Jesus People (Living free) | Titus 2:14 NLT |
27 | In Essentials, Unity | Titus 3:4-7 |
28 | Healed Through Forgiveness | Psalm 32:1-5 |
29 | The Secret to Wealth (Wisdom) | Proverbs 8:10-11 |
30 | Fools and Forgiveness | Philemon 1:15 NLT |
31 | Try It, You’ll Like It (taste and see) | Psalm 34:8a |
March 1
The Path of Persecution
Now when we heard these things, both we and those from that place pleaded with him (Paul) not to go up to Jerusalem. 13 Then Paul answered, “What do you mean by weeping and breaking my heart? For I am ready not only to be bound, but also to die at Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus.” 14 So when he would not be persuaded, we ceased, saying, “The will of the Lord be done.”
Acts 21:12-14
Our son Joshua was a featured valedictorian at his high school graduation including the opportunity to speak to his class and the thousands of guests. With the opportunity to address the graduates came a very specific guideline prohibiting any mention of God or religious matters. Josh understood clearly the parameters regarding his speech, prayed about it, and decided he was going to thank his Heavenly Father regardless. His short speech was eloquent and apparently his bold thanksgiving to God was not offensive enough to cause any backlash.
Occasionally we find ourselves choosing a path not of escape but of confrontation, not of miraculous provision but heavenly resolve, not with crowd support but simply tenacious individualism.
It may not be easy, and the consequences may be distasteful, but if you have an undeniable awareness in your spirit of the path to choose, then proceed in the confidence of the Lord.
Gifted men and women choose to leave the comfort of their home to take the Gospel to unreached people groups. Others risk their entire academic career to stand behind a Biblical but unpopular truth. Some are compelled to help endangered people in violent regions knowing full well that they too could become a casualty.
As family, friends, and fellow believers in Christ, we must at some point simply give the decisions of loved ones that make us nervous to the Lord and declare, “The will of the Lord be done.”
March 2
Do You Have a Story?
“Now it happened, as I (Paul) journeyed and came near Damascus at about noon, suddenly a great light from heaven shone around me. 7 And I fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to me, ‘Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?’ 8 So I answered, ‘Who are You, Lord?’ And He said to me, ‘I am Jesus of Nazareth, whom you are persecuting.’
Acts 22:6-8
Paul’s amazing conversion, evangelized by Jesus Himself, is an unparalleled testimony of God’s grace and His love. There are many reasons for this dramatic effort on the Savior’s part to reach “Saul” the oppressor, including the fact that he was the one chosen to truly take the Gospel to the Gentiles. We should all be thankful for this miraculous transformation as we are the fruit this effort.
My own story is not dramatic. I was raised in church, accepted Christ at eight years old, filled with the Spirit at 19, and received the call into ministry at 20. Actually, as my father would comment, “I was born with a spiritual silver spoon in my mouth.” Although my own coming to Christ is not remarkable and maybe even predictable, in God’s eyes it is just as important as any of His children giving their heart to Him.
Your own story may not seem particularly interesting to you, but God Himself is ecstatic that you are His child. Giving your heart to Jesus is a story that should be told. The Lord wants you to share it with others.
Paul used his life as an example to the Jews, and you can use your story as a testimony of God’s love to your world. Don’t be hesitant; share your journey to Christ as often as you can. Few people argue against another person’s experience, and the Holy Spirit will use it to reach your family and friends.
Yes, you do have a “story”!
March 3
Granddad’s Song
But the following night the Lord stood by him and said, “Be of good cheer, Paul; for as you have testified for Me in Jerusalem, so you must also bear witness at Rome.”
Acts 23:11
“He’s got the whole world, in his hands;
He’s got the whole wide world, in His hands…”
One of my earliest memories is my Granddad, (on my mother’s side), singing, He’s God the Whole World in His Hands. Being from Oklahoma, he loved country music but it was this simple American spiritual tune that I remember. The truth of these lyrics, packaged in a simple melody, sung by one who loved me, is a powerful and encouraging memory. Reading the book of Acts it is apparent that He had the early church and the great missionary Paul in His hands all the time.
Earlier chapters in Acts reveal believers’ concern for Paul’s safety should he return to Jerusalem. Despite the impassioned pleas from dear friends, he continued to the Holy City where he was in fact imprisoned and beaten (Acts 22.) He was facing execution when the Lord Himself intervened and declared that he would not die, rather, he would continue on to Rome.
Friend, when you live in pursuit of God’s will and give yourself to Him, He will not let anything stop His purposes in your life. In Paul’s case, He was destined to take the Gospel to Rome, the seat of the world’s most powerful nation. Likewise, the Lord will be with you as you follow Him.
“Be of good cheer...” means simply to “be encouraged.” Jesus doesn’t want us anxious, fearful, or depressed about things unknown.
He’s got the whole world…your world…in His hands.
March 4
The Shepherd’s Psalm
You anoint my head with oil
Psalm 23:5b
Middle East shepherds were known for smearing oil on the forehead of their sheep. Lice and other insects would often get into the wool of sheep, and when they got near the sheep's head, they could burrow into the sheep's ears and kill the sheep. So, ancient shepherds poured oil on the sheep's head. This made the wool slippery, making it impossible for insects to get near the sheep's ears because the insects would slide off.
In Scripture, satan is referred to as “beelzebub” or “Lord of the flies.” The connection between the shepherd and his sheep, and our Shepherd and us as His flock is direct and obvious. Jesus anoints us to protect us from the enemy. Flies and insects are not only bothersome, but can transmit bacteria and diseases.
Spiritually, the enemy wants our soul to be “dis-eased”. Satan desires you and I to be without joy or peace, devoid of life and God’s blessings.
Jesus is the antidote. Paul writes, “Now He who establishes us with you in Christ and has anointed us is God,” (2 Corinthians 1:21). Anointing is symbolic of blessing, protection, and empowerment. The use of oil, which is always representative of the Holy Spirit, is the means of communicating and transferring the care of the Shepherd to us.
Know that the Lord, He is God; It is He who has made us, and not we ourselves; We are His people and the sheep of His pasture. (Psalm 100:3).
He will lead you to fresh waters, and green pastures. No harm will befall you because He protects you.
We have a Good Shepherd.
March 5
“You can’t handle the truth!”
And after some days, when Felix came with his wife Drusilla, who was Jewish, he sent for Paul and heard him concerning the faith in Christ. 25 Now as he reasoned about righteousness, self-control, and the judgment to come, Felix was afraid and answered, “Go away for now; when I have a convenient time I will call for you.”
Acts 24:24-25
Go ahead and give it a try…you know you want to…do your best imitation of that famous line from the 1992 movie, A Few Good Men. Put your best Jack Nicholson scowl on, pretend to be Colonel Jessup on the witness stand and shout, “You can’t handle the truth!”
Paul of course wouldn’t dare speak to the Caesar appointed governor of Judea, Felix, with such disdain…but I bet he wanted to. Felix, ruling from the beautiful ocean side city of Caesarea wanted to hear about Paul’s thoughts and experiences with the “Way” (he also wanted money—vs. 26) until it got personal. Issues like self-control, righteousness, and the judgment, hit a little too close to home. Felix sent Paul away, but never asked for him again.
We all love to hear of grace, mercy, forgiveness, and unconditional love, but grow tense when the subject changes to justice, responsibility, sin, or repentance.
We don’t get to pick and choose truth. We don’t get to “delete” sections of Scripture that make us uncomfortable. We don’t get to cover our ears and shout “la-la-la-la” when the Word is being expounded.
But Jesus did say, “the truth shall set you free!”(John 8:32).
He also said “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” (John 14:6).
So, the truth is, (if you can handle it) there is a heavenly courtroom at which we’ll all be judged by the Creator. All men will come before the Father with Jesus standing there. Jesus can either be a bystander, having never known you, letting God judge you entirely on whatever eternal criteria the Judge demands; or you can ask Jesus to be your “advocate”, your Counselor.
And if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous. And He Himself is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the whole world. (1 John 2).
Personally, I choose to let Jesus defend me. I choose to let His sacrifice cover my sin. I choose to ask Him to save me.
I choose truth.
March 6
Enemies Don’t Just Go Away
Then the high priest and the chief men of the Jews informed him against Paul; and they petitioned him, 3 asking a favor against him, that he would summon him to Jerusalem—while they lay in ambush along the road to kill him.
Acts 25:2-3
Paul had been kept as a prisoner in Caesarea for over two years. But his enemies in Jerusalem did not forget or go away. Long before Paul was taken to Felix’s palace, Acts 23:12-13 records, “And when it was day, some of the Jews banded together and bound themselves under an oath, saying that they would neither eat nor drink till they had killed Paul. 13 Now there were more than forty who had formed this conspiracy”.
Apparently, this group of zealots gave up on their hunger strike, but they certainly didn’t forget about their oath. Two years of loathing, waiting, plotting, and seeking a way to get to the Apostle to kill him with their bare hands.
We learn something important about the enemy of our soul from Paul’s story. Our enemy is:
- Patient…he waits for an opportunity to strike.
- Relentless…he doesn’t give up.
- Seething…hate is never satiated.
- Conniving…he manipulates the world’s systems to accomplish illicit purposes.
Don’t give the enemy any opportunity. Jesus said, “Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.” (Matthew 10:16).
Just because you have a spiritual foe, manifesting itself in people and situations, does not mean that you have to be defeated or even discouraged. Jesus said, “I am with you always…” John the apostle wrote, “Greater is He that is in you, than he who is in the world.” (1 John 4:4).
Enemies don’t just go away, they have to be defeated.
March 7
Same Message, Different Reactions
Now as he thus made his defense, Festus said with a loud voice, “Paul, you are beside yourself! Much learning is driving you mad!”
25 But he said, “I am not mad, most noble Festus, but speak the words of truth and reason. 26 For the king, before whom I also speak freely, knows these things; for I am convinced that none of these things escapes his attention, since this thing was not done in a corner. 27 King Agrippa, do you believe the prophets? I know that you do believe.” 28 Then Agrippa said to Paul, “You almost persuade me to become a Christian.” 29 And Paul said, “I would to God that not only you, but also all who hear me today, might become both almost and altogether such as I am, except for these chains.”
Acts 26:24-29
The two most powerful men in Judea listen to Paul’s story of conversion and have completely opposite reactions. Festus declares Paul’s madness while King Agrippa considers his own potential conversion.
The Gospel is polarizing. It can separate friends and families. One person hears the proclamation of the Good News and his heart leaps, while another listens and becomes resistant and angry.
Most followers of Jesus have loved ones who just don’t get it. I was out golfing recently and joined a group. Upon hearing that I was a pastor, one elderly gentleman mentioned that his daughter was married to a missionary and served internationally. He shook his head and said, “They sure are dedicated.” I could tell that while he admired his daughter and son-in-law’s commitment, he certainly didn’t understand the passion to serve God.
Instead of arguing with closed people just let the Holy Spirit draw them to Him. Our responsibility is to speak; it is God’s job to reach the heart.
He did it with Paul, and He can certainly reach your loved ones. Once people know your story, let God work on their heart. After all, He loves and cares about them infinitely more than you do.
March 8
Against All Odds
For there stood by me this night an angel of the God to whom I belong and whom I serve, 24 saying, ‘Do not be afraid, Paul; you must be brought before Caesar; and indeed God has granted you all those who sail with you. ’ 25 Therefore take heart, men, for I believe God that it will be just as it was told me.
Acts 27:23-25
Conditions couldn’t be worse. It was a brutal time of year to sail to Rome. Yet, that was the decision of the captain. The voyage was fraught with challenges to the point of desperation. The men on board were frightened, hungry, exhausted, and hopeless. But Paul, encouraged by the visitation of the angel, stood in the midst of them and spoke about life not death.
Few men apparently knew the God Paul spoke of, but He knew them. Paul had prayed for God’s protection and passage for all the men, not just himself. Luke records that “all 276 passengers …made it safely to land” (27:37, 44.)
Friend, when God has a divine appointment for you nothing will stop that. Paul had been informed two times by heavenly visitations that he would meet Caesar in Rome. Despite terrifying circumstances, he was assured that he would arrive at his destination.
When the enemy is the loudest and most intimidating, when the situation is bleak, when victory seems unreachable, look past the clouds to the heavens. Fix your gaze not on the seen but the unseen. When life is at its worst, rest assured that He is at work on your behalf.
He will see you safely through any storm.
March 9
Shake It Off!
But when Paul had gathered a bundle of sticks and laid them on the fire, a viper came out because of the heat, and fastened on his hand… 5 But he shook off the creature into the fire and suffered no harm.
Acts 28: 3, 5.
Long before Taylor Swift recorded her hit song about relationships, “Shake It Off”, coaches were telling their players suffering from the predictable pains of playing sports to “shake it off!” Good coaches while watching their athletes perform seem to have this uncanny ability to tell when a pain is serious and needs medical attention and when it is just “part of the game.”
When a viper attacks Paul, the Word says he simply “shook off the creature into the fire”. This was actually just another challenge and attack against Paul’s divine appointment to stand before Caesar. The bite of this venomous snake would typically cause serious reactions, but Paul was protected by the merciful grace of the Lord.
If the enemy latches on to you in a surprise attack, go ahead and “shake it off” back into the ‘lake of fire’ where it belongs. Be bold and stand against such deterrents to the purposes of God.
Some attacks require intense attention and intercession, but not all. Sometimes we need to understand that stuff happens, and we are not going to let it ruin our day or week. My experience has been that the faster I get over something, the better off I am.
If a “friend” let’s you down, shake it off.
If a promised raise doesn’t come through, shake it off.
If a voice from your past reaches out in condemnation, shake it off.
If your most gracious acts of service are overlooked, shake it off.
If a demonic power tries to steal your joy, shake it off.
Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world, so in His name--SHAKE IT OFF!
March 10
Take on The Day
A little sleep, a little slumber, A little folding of the hands to sleep— 11 So shall your poverty come on you like a prowler, And your need like an armed man.
Proverbs 6:10-11
We all need adequate sleep, and even God rested. The Lord created night and day, and instituted the Sabbath day of rest. He made our bodies to recover during sleep; and many successful high achieving people attest to the effectiveness of the 20-minute afternoon power nap. However, without a sense of purpose for the day, some people head back to the comfort of their mattress, plop in the recliner, and zone out in front of the TV. If you’re on vacation or retired, do what you want. But if you’re trying to build a life and support a family then learn the discipline of being fully awake and taking on the day with hard work.
Early Americans were often known for their “Protestant work ethic”. They lived by the motto, “Hard work honors the Lord, and the Lord honors hard work.” Seems like we’ve forgotten that.
The verse above makes another more subtle but interesting observation. It says that after a “little folding of the hands to sleep”…then poverty will surprise you. Poverty does not come quickly, but it feels that way when a day, then a week, then a month is wasted. Unless there’s a catastrophic event, “need” does not sneak up on you. Instead, it is a progression of days lived poorly that if left unchecked can dominate one’s life.
Decide today that it’s better to be industrious, and you’re not going to allow the pressures of life to overwhelm you without a fight.
March 11
If You’re Headed the Wrong Way, Turn Around.
My eyes are ever toward the Lord , For He shall pluck my feet out of the net.
Psalm 25:15
Southern California can become quite foggy at times, and just driving our freeways can be treacherous enough as it is. One of the worst feelings is to be driving along in dense fog only to see a bold, red-lettered sign saying “WRONG WAY.” If you ever see that in the direction you’re going, it would be a good idea to turn around immediately.
In today’s verse, the “net” is representative of things that ensnare or trap. We are all susceptible to being caught up in something that seeks to detract from the full blessing of God. The difference between those who navigate such challenges successfully, and those who find themselves increasingly bound and restricted is found in one reality which is where or to whom do you look when you’re in trouble?
Friend, there is one thing that is critical to overcoming challenges, and that is the decision to always fix your gaze on the Lord. Turn around after a fall and head the right direction. It doesn’t matter how bad the situation has become, if you will sincerely fix your sight on the Lord, He is going to meet you with His power and support.
Hebrews 12:1-2a “Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 2 looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith…”
In our ministry, we are committed to standing with anyone, regardless of how desperate their situation may be, if they are willing to at least face the right direction. When a person will not even turn and face the Lord, then there is nothing that can be done.
If you’re caught up in something today, turn to the Lord. He loves you and He is waiting to help.
After all, He is the Savior!
March 12
War Games
The purpose of my instruction is that all believers would be filled with love that comes from a pure heart, a clear conscience, and genuine faith.
1 Timothy 1:5 NLT
Have you ever had those moments when in response to being hurt by an ill-intentioned person, you begin to play war games in your mind in retaliation? Maybe you find yourself strategizing how to get back or sabotage them in some way. Revenge feels good for an instant, but then the Holy Spirit speaks to you instructing you not to strike back, but to “pray it forward”.
That’s when you have a choice to make. Do you hold the temporary satisfaction of getting even, or trust that God can turn an enemy into a friend?
Making the right choice can keep you from walking the path towards resentment and bitterness. The Lord really does want you to be free.
Love, when it is not obstructed by attitudes or restricted by ignorance, flows gracefully through us to others. Jesus said love is the mark of a believer, and First Corinthians thirteen tells us that love is the greatest of all characteristics.
Paul defended the Gospel vigorously. He was a warrior for Jesus against all adversaries. Simultaneously, he was acutely aware of how much he had been forgiven, consequently he possessed a heart for all people regardless of how misguided they may be.
Don’t get mad, don’t get even, and don’t let your mind be polluted by mental war games.
Get on your knees, thank God for His patience with you, and pray for your opponents. Let the love of God keep you in His peace.
March 13
He Really Doesn’t Deserve It
(God) who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.
1 Timothy 2:4
Nobody gets as much bad press as our Lord and Savior. He is blamed for every plague, disaster, pain, and even man’s inhumanity toward his fellow man.
Nothing could be further from the truth!
God has done everything for mankind. He loves us, counts the hairs on our head daily (He even knows the original color), and His thoughts toward us outnumber the grains of sand on all the shores the planet. He has blessed us with this life, and prepared an eternity for us called heaven. He loves humans.
Even when we are completely in the wrong, He keeps loving us.
Even when we take undue advantage at the expense of another, He keeps loving us.
Even when we curse Him, He keeps loving us.
Even when we ignore His blessings and act as if we control our own destiny, He keeps loving us.
He loves us, and He has done everything possible to insure that any person desiring to be His son or daughter is able to respond to His grace. He is the Savior of all people.
We can all be saved from the destruction facing us and come to the truth of His love.
Start listening to His Word, His Spirit, and His Son…not the sound bites of misguided sources.
March 14
Diplomatic Not Dictatorial
…A Tip on Family Life
He must manage his own family well, having children who respect and obey him. 5 For if a man cannot manage his own household, how can he take care of God’s church?
1 Timothy 3:4-5 NLT
Healthy is different from perfect. Only Jesus was perfect. We can all be healthy. Healthy organisms, businesses, churches and families grow. People become healthy by being nurtured until maturity, learning to withstand challenges, developing strength, and increasing in resilience.
Is your family healthy? I didn’t say perfect.
There is a God-ordained function to the intact family unit. The father/husband carries the responsibility and the authority to protect and provide for all dimensions of the family (financial, spiritual, and relational). The mother/wife partners with her husband in managing the affairs of the house including responsible stewardship and investment of resources, and of course the lead voice in day-to-day parenting issues. Children are the fruit of a vibrant relationship. God gives them to us for a season (thank God for that) for their upbringing in all facets of life including gifts, talents, abilities, and interests.
In the process of raising a family, there are both predictable and unpredictable stressors. Stress is never fun, but it does create opportunities for growth. Navigating through life’s challenges demonstrates the worthiness of the family.
When Paul instructs Timothy on the qualifications of leadership, he includes the management of the home. The NKJV uses the word “rule”. Some men mistakenly perceive such a directive with an eye towards dictatorship. This is both not the intent of the instruction and far from effective. In order to lead, first you must serve. There is not one reasonable woman on the planet who would resist following and supporting a man whom she knew was always looking to build her up and sacrifice himself for her, (Ephesians 5:25-28).
Children raised by parents who demonstrate interest without interference, assistance without dependency, protection without smothering, self-sufficiency without isolation, individuation without rebellion, and spiritual hunger without religion have a great start in life.
Every person is free to make his or her own choices; dictators can’t handle that sort of freedom, diplomats encourage it.
March 15
Church Alone is Not Enough
…and exercise yourself toward godliness. 8 For bodily exercise profits a little, but godliness is profitable for all things, having promise of the life that now is and of that which is to come.
1 Timothy 4:7b-8
Do you have a health club membership that you don’t use? You have your monthly fee automatically deducted from your account, you intend to go, you tell people that you belong to a club, but you receive no benefit. In order for you to be healthy you have to do the work. Once a week won’t do it, not even twice a week. Three times a week and you’ll probably maintain your current level of fitness, but four or five times a week and you’ll begin to make progress. Exercising five times a week for one hour each visit and you’ve invested five plus hours into your physical health. That’s a great choice. You won’t be a super hero, but at least you’ll give your body a chance to function properly.
Similarly, just attending church won’t in itself create spiritual vibrancy or fruitfulness. Obviously, you’re reading this devotional so you have a significant spiritual hunger. Good for you. However, there is a determination towards godliness that if pursued will pay off huge dividends both in the “life that now is, and of that which is to come.”
How do you exercise toward godliness?
- Pray frequently and as you do, be specific with your requests and in your intercession; and learn to listen to the Lord.
- Read the Bible. Truth is contained in the Word. Most people have a warped worldview. The only antidote is the inspired Word of God.
- Read great testimony books of mighty men and women of God, (facebook, instagram, twitter and pinterest won’t close down if you ignore it for an hour).
- Listen to meaningful worship music, and join in by lifting your voice to in praise.
- Develop and strengthen your most rewarding spiritual relationships.
…And go to church “religiously”.
As you get healthy spiritually, my guess is that you’ll start using that gym membership. Just a thought…
March 16
Heavenly Partners
I charge you before God and the Lord Jesus Christ and the elect angels that you observe these things without prejudice, doing nothing with partiality.
1 Timothy 5:21
Singing a solo, making a presentation, stepping into a batter’s box, standing at the free throw line, going into an interview, and many moments in life are experienced alone. It’s the moments when we are alone that can make or break us.
Occasionally, following Christ can feel lonely too, like you are the only person really living for the Lord. This may be born out of self-pity or times of testing. Either way, it’s not a great feeling. There is certainly a personal responsibility to God and times in our spiritual walk when we stand alone. Friend, before you sink into a place of discouragement or isolation, remember Paul’s encouragement to Timothy that you live your life, “before God and the Lord Jesus Christ and the elect angels.”
But they are not just watching...they are ready to assist!
Think about it. Jesus is always with us. We have the Holy Spirit, and the heavenly host is ready for a divine assignment. The prophet Elijah was convinced he was the only one left following the Lord, then God proclaimed the existence of over 7,000 more who were following Him.
When all seems against you, do what King David did. “Now David was greatly distressed, for the people spoke of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and his daughters. But David strengthened himself in the Lord his God ”. (1 Samuel 30:6).
Stand strong! You have a Partner you can count on, and you are never alone.
March 17
Now godliness with contentment is great gain
1 Timothy 6:6
When asked, "How much money is enough money?" billionaire John D. Rockefeller replied, "Just a little bit more."
Without God, there is no contentment. Contentment eludes wealth, prestige, power, and acclaim just as readily as it does poverty, insignificance, or oppression.
With God however, contentment is a certain benefit.
Most of the heroes of faith recorded in Hebrews 11 were folks of great wealth, and several of the Apostles may have come from privileged lives.
The point? God is not against money, but He is against what it does to some people. According to Psalm 50:10b we know the Lord “owns the cattle on a thousand hills” (meaning that His resources are endless), but the real blessing of life is living in His presence.
An unhappy rich person is almost a cliché, but people in desperate situations can be just as discontented.
Truth be told, contentment in life happens best and most naturally through Christ. Whether you have much or little, God is the one who graces us with the power to enjoy life.
Are you looking for more? You will not find it in the pursuit of material things. Similarly, there is no guarantee that austerity or self-sacrifice alone will bring true contentment. The “gain” in your life comes only when you fall in love with doing things God’s way.
In God, there’s always more, and that equals unlimited gain.
March 18
Credit Where Credit is Due
The Lord is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; Of whom shall I be afraid?
Psalm 27:1
Celebrations of victories, achievements, or completed journeys are often punctuated by exclamations of gratefulness. As a sports fan, I’ve heard many athletes thank teammates, coaches, family, and the Lord. Some of it may be spontaneous emotion, but not all of it is merely exuberance. There is an awareness of faith that finds expression in these moments.
David is perhaps Israel’s most celebrated figure. He was responsible for the slaying of Goliath, incredible victories in battle, the uniting of the nation, and preparing Jerusalem for the building of the temple. These accomplishments were celebrated by all and made King David a legend in his own time. His own soldiers referred to him as “the lamp (the light) of Israel.”
King David was also acutely aware that it was God alone who was his “light…salvation…strength.” He was not interested in taking credit, but in declaring the faithfulness of God.
It’s important for us to remember that it is God who breathes life into us, gifts us with talents, watches over us in our sleep, and paves our pathway with blessing. He is the one who does it all.
Take a moment today, and thank the Lord for all He has done for you.
Also, when your moment of victory arrives, be sure to let others know that it is God who deserves all the credit.
March 19
For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
2 Timothy 1:7
Vampires? Zombies? Mummies? Ghosts? Freddy or Chucky? Spiders? Heights? Or, perhaps speaking in front of a group of people?
What frightens you?
Hollywood is making a ‘killing’ on horror movies, and party shops are emptying wallets with zombie makeup. It’s not really my ‘cup of tea’, (but then I’m more horrified by an error at shortstop).
Fear is experienced as an intense instinctive reaction to a perceived threat, real or not. Sitting in front of our televisions we may be startled, but we know it’s not real. If you’ve ever actually been in a volatile situation, the sensations are similar—that fight or flight reaction—but the depth of awareness is entirely different.
The enemy of our soul utilizes deception, intimidation, personal history, and instinctual reactions to paralyze us spiritually. This ‘spirit of fear’ is from the pit of hell.
The Lord graces us with a spirit of power, love, and soundness of mind. Power is found in Him because ‘greater is He who is in us than He that is in the world.’1 We are strong because He is strong. Wrap yourself around God like a vine around an oak tree, and there is not much that will scare you.
Love is who God is, and ‘perfect love casts out fear.’2 When you are close to God, you’ll find yourself less fretful and way more loving.
Soundness of mind is available to replace our fear and anxiety. Our minds are not to be ‘conformed to the world, but transformed’ 3 in Christ. Did you know that you have access to the ‘mind of Christ’ 4?
The Creator programmed into each of us our instinctual ‘fight or flight’ response. At the same time, He has given us the resources to overcome the enemy’s threats, lies and intimidation.
Jesus is our Champion and Savior. I’m sure thankful I’m on His side.
- I John 4:4
- I John 4:18
- Romans 12:2
- I Corinthians 2:16
March 20
“It’s not you, it’s me…”
Stay clear of pious talk that is only talk. Words are not mere words, you know. If they’re not backed by a godly life, they accumulate as poison in the soul.
2 Timothy 2:16, The Message
The line used in so many comedy scripts, “It’s not you, it’s me…” is synonymous with insincerely ending a relationship. Breaking up really is hard to do, and in the desire to take the pain out of it we sometimes lie in the process.
Nobody likes a hypocrite, and nobody wants to be one. In today’s verse we see that saying one thing, while doing another is not only the essence of phoniness, but also damages your soul.
Students of human behavior refer to the misalignment of what we say with what we do as “incongruence”. It is the basis of much dysfunction and when carried to the extreme may result in mental illness. It really is “poison” to your soul.
Living for Christ is more important than speaking for Christ. The Lord used a donkey to speak to Balaam (Numbers 22:28), so talking alone is no indication of genuine spirituality. Jesus said we are known by our “fruit” or character (Matthew 7:20).
It is important to speak up, but your words only carry meaning when they are supported by a godly lifestyle.
Proclaiming one thing, but doing another will not only invalidate your voice, but disease your soul. The remedy is clear. Live the life you believe in. Nobody is perfect, but with God’s help and a commitment to integrity, you’ll find your actions lining up with your words.
There is no questioning a person living in alignment with God’s ways.
March 21
The Breath of God
All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.
2 Timothy 3:16-17
Inspirational stories are very motivating. Classic narratives about the “underdog” (like ‘Rocky’) who overcomes massive odds to obtain an unreachable goal are touching. Or, the report of an individual sacrificing much to give to the less fortunate (Mother Teresa) is compelling to every audience. And, for many people, the poetic description of a beautiful scene or a loving interaction moves us to peaceful reflection.
However, inspirational is not the same as the “inspiration of God”.
This verse says, “All Scripture is given by inspiration…”. Certainly, the Word of God is stirring to the soul on many levels, but that is nowhere near the actual power it contains.
The word “inspired” literally means “God-breathed”. The breath of God is on the Word of God. This truth is much more than mere encouragement. It means the very essence of God is somehow alive in the Bible.
Imagine if you will, not paper and ink alone, but oxygen coming off the pages of your Bible. Somehow, when you read the Word, you are taking in the “breath of God” into your being.
Our devotions then are not really about a “good thought” for the day, but a “God breath” for our lives. If you take the Word of God into your soul regularly, you’ll soon be living not out of self, but through Him.
Then, you’ll have something of God’s love and power to pass to others.
What could possibly be more “inspiring” than that?
March 22
Finish Strong
I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.
2 Timothy 4:7
Paul’s writes these words regarding the course of his life as a believer. Earlier in Paul’s epistles, he reflected on a potential lack of diligence in his faith possibly resulting in “disqualifying” himself; but here he is near the end with the deep sense of satisfaction that comes from knowing that he did his very best.
The greatest collegiate basketball coach in history, UCLA’s John Wooden, defined success this way, “Success is peace of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best you are capable of becoming.” By this definition, we could confidently say that Paul was supremely successful.
As you continue in the faith walk, live one day at a time. Make the most of each day, and when it’s over, forget about it. There is nothing you can do about yesterday; you only have today—this moment—to live your best.
When you get to the end of life and face the Lord, it’s much better to hear Him say, “Well done, good and faithful servant” instead of, “Well…you’re done.”
Press on and finish strong!
March 23
The Cosmic Policeman?
For His anger is but for a moment, His favor is for life; Weeping may endure for a night, But joy comes in the morning.
Psalm 30:5
What is your first thought about God? Is He angry…loving…distant…fairy tale…Creator…big…mean?
We all have different conceptions of who God is, which is why He has gone to such extremes to make Himself plain to us in His Word and through Jesus. Remember, Jesus said if you have seen me, you have seen the Father (John 14:9).
Here’s the problem, we see God not as He’s revealed Himself, but through the paradigm or filter developed in us by our own parenting, education, and life experience. Most people who do not know the Lord think of God as the mean-looking, angry old man in the sky waiting to shoot thunderbolts at us if we start having too much fun. Essentially, that belief is that God is grumpy and doesn’t like us very much. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Today’s verse says, “His anger is but for a moment, His favor for life .”
Does that sound like a mean God to you?
Surely we need correction and guidance, some “straightening out” if you will. But far more profound than His moments of anger are the seasons of favor. He delights in us. He protects us even when we are unaware. He provides for us, and He rebukes the devourer. We live in His favor when we stay close to Him.
As a father and grandpa, there are things I do for my family of which they are unaware. But the joy I receive from just being around them is priceless.
They live in my favor, and I delight in them for life.
March 24
The Apprentice
Follow my advice, my son; always treasure my commands. 2 Obey my commands and live! Guard my instructions as you guard your own eyes. 3 Tie them on your fingers as a reminder. Write them deep within your heart.
Proverbs 7:1-3 NLT
A popular TV show a few years ago, The Apprentice, featured contestants vying for a job with a famous CEO. You might think the show was about the contestants, but it wasn’t, it was about “the boss”. People competed on the show for a variety of reasons, but the essence of it focused on the evaluations, feedback, tips, and advice acquired (while hopefully not getting fired.) The value of any expert/apprentice relationship is the things learned on the job as one observes the “tricks of the trade” employed by a successful professional.
Have you ever been frustrated by what you did not learn in school? Conversely, have you found yourself extremely thankful for some sage advice of a parent, mentor, or admired friend?
Anybody can assimilate information, but a truly smart person embraces points of transformation. There is a difference.
God our Creator knows exactly how to live the best life. He designed us and knows every nuance to successfully navigating the challenges of this world. He wants us to LIVE!
The Lord knows every trick, trap, delusion, or illusion the enemy uses to destroy us. He implores us to keep His way and live! It’s the critical choice to embrace His path that helps us in life’s journey and keeps us from falling off emotional, career, family, or health cliffs.
His ways are always better!
March 25
Pure in Heart
Everything is pure to those whose hearts are pure. But nothing is pure to those who are corrupt and unbelieving, because their minds and consciences are corrupted.
Titus 1:15 NLT
Purity is not a popular topic anywhere but in the Bible. Nonetheless, it is a gift from God intended to provide the utmost of enjoyment and the fullness of freedom.
The pure in heart consider intimacy as a beautiful expression of lifelong love; the impure see it as a personal need to be satiated.
The pure in heart laugh easily at themselves and life; the impure must seek out the “shocking” in order to have a moment of laughter.
The pure in heart see God’s hand in all creation; the impure miss it.
The pure in heart are inclined to think the best of people; the impure tend toward cynicism, even scorn (this is often the result of too many encounters with people’s inhumanity).
The pure in heart are offended at the fouled culture in which we live; the impure celebrate its pollution as “seeing things the way they really are.”
Walking with the Lord, renewing our minds through the Word, and forming healthy relationships act as a sort of filter or cleansing process in our soul. It brings a vibrancy and life where there was previously only dullness and death. Things to which we were previously calloused, we now find ourselves sensitive and receptive.
Purity is valuable. I want to drink pure water. I want to eat pure “clean” food. I want to breathe clean air. I want to know the purity of what I buy. I want germ and bacteria free medical care. I want food preparation done by clean hands. I want the real, not the counterfeit.
Maybe purity is more popular than I thought?
March 26
Jesus People
He gave his life to free us from every kind of sin, to cleanse us, and to make us his very own people, totally committed to doing good deeds.
Titus 2:14NLT
God has done everything on His part necessary for us to step into abundant living. Our primary responsibility is to choose to follow Him, as sheep follow the shepherd.
We see in today’s verse that He has freed us from every kind of sin. In other words, the curse of sin against us, the chains that bind and restrict us, the limitations imposed on our potential and possibilities, and the doom spoken over us by the ill-intentioned have NO claim on us anymore.
Not only are we forgiven of sin’s penalty, He is setting us free from its power. Eventually, we will be free from sin’s presence, but until then we are to live as His people winning the daily battle over the destruction of the enemy.
- What causes you to think that you’re cursed or that there’s a cloud over your life?
- Who spoke limitations to your future?
- How is it that you’ve come to believe that you’ll always be in dire circumstances or just getting by?
- When did you relegate yourself to the restrictions of your environment or genetics?
Jesus gave His life to free you from the confinement of the enemy!
Irenaeus, a first century church leader said this about being a follower of Jesus, “The glory of God is man fully alive!”
Being “fully alive” only happens in Jesus. There is no life apart from Him. But with Him…wow, just wow!
March 27
In Essentials, Unity!
But when the kindness and the love of God our Savior toward man appeared, 5 not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us, through the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit, 6 whom He poured out on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Savior, 7 that having been justified by His grace we should become heirs according to the hope of eternal life.
Titus 3:4-7
“In essentials, unity;
In non-essentials, liberty;
In all things, charity.”
--St. Augustine, early Christian theologian and philosopher
This letter from Paul to Titus, a young church leader, is invaluable especially for its statements about the incarnation of Jesus, and the essence of the Gospel, (1:1-4; 2:11-14; 3:4-7). The action of God in reaching out and saving mankind is reflected in the one long sentence above. The truths related are non-negotiable, and as Saint Augustine said, unity in commitment and understanding to this one truth is essential.
Faith is not based in feeling but in fact, not emotion but truth.
You can believe whatever you want with fervency, sincerity and unwavering commitment. But if it’s not based in truth, it’s just a fairy tale or delusion.
- You may truly believe you can fly, but that never ends well.
- You may sincerely believe you’re the best singer on the planet, but “American Idol” has flushed out hundreds on self-deluded singers.
- You may genuinely be convinced that the cycle of life includes reincarnation and that in a previous life you were royalty. Why not a lizard?
- You may be utterly convinced that all roads lead to God and all religions are essentially the same; the problem is that they all claim to be different and Jesus in particular said He alone is the way to God.
Friend, we are to be loving (charitable) to every person regardless of their beliefs and tolerant with all in issues of inconsequence. But we are to be fearlessly faithful and unified around the truth of Jesus becoming flesh, living among us, dying for the sins of all, and being raised to life—devastating death’s grip on humanity.
Any person, organization, group, or gathering unequivocally committed to this truth is a fellow soldier in the Lord’s army.
We are heirs together when we unify around the truth of God’s Word.
March 28
Healed Through Forgiveness
Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, Whose sin is covered. 2 Blessed is the man to whom the Lord does not impute iniquity, And in whose spirit there is no deceit.
3 When I kept silent, my bones grew old Through my groaning all the day long. 4 For day and night Your hand was heavy upon me; My vitality was turned into the drought of summer. Selah 5 I acknowledged my sin to You, And my iniquity I have not hidden. I said, “I will confess my transgressions to the Lord ,” And You forgave the iniquity of my sin. Selah
Psalm 32:1-5
We’ve all been “done wrong.” You may be completely justified in being mad. Everyone with whom you share your story empathizes with you.
The problem is you still can’t sleep at night. Your body aches, and your mind is tormented with anger. You’re not getting better with time, and the hurt, pain, and indignation has become resentment that is quickly heading towards bitterness.
If you are honest with yourself, you really don’t even recognize yourself anymore. You’ve changed and not for the better, and all because of that painful injustice.
I’m not sure how much of the above description may fit you at this particular time, but I’m guessing you have experienced at least some of this at some point in life.
The good news is that there is an answer provided by heaven itself, forgiveness. Jesus said it this way, “Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.”
Friend, forgiveness is freedom. It is health to your body, renewal to your mind, and refreshing to your soul.
So when you’re sick and tired of being sick and tired, do some soul searching and see if you need to rid yourself of unforgiveness.
We are most like animals when we kill,
Most like men when we judge,
But most like God when we forgive
March 29
The Secret to Wealth
Receive my instruction, and not silver, And knowledge rather than choice gold; For wisdom is better than rubies, And all the things one may desire cannot be compared with her.
Proverbs 8:10-11
This isn’t just a poor man’s excuse. In fact, perhaps the richest man in all of history recorded these words. There is a beauty and wealth that goes far beyond the most valuable of possessions. Proverbs tells us to seek it with a treasure hunter’s passion.
That pursuit is “wisdom”.
It certainly sounds sort of boring, even old school, and definitely not stirring to the soul. It is the road less traveled, and it is the one path that leads to rewards beyond measure.
Solomon made more than his fair share of mistakes in his lifetime, but wisdom was not one of them. Remember this conversation between the Lord and Solomon, “Then God said to Solomon: “Because this was in your heart, and you have not asked riches or wealth or honor or the life of your enemies, nor have you asked long life—but have asked wisdom and knowledge for yourself, that you may judge My people over whom I have made you king— 12 wisdom and knowledge are granted to you; and I will give you riches and wealth and honor, such as none of the kings have had who were before you, nor shall any after you have the like.” (2 Chronicles 1:11).
Wisdom was Solomon’s advantage and it can be yours too. Seek God’s wisdom in the Bible, in prayer, and in great relationships. In so doing, you will experience the wealth of heaven.
Everything else will take care of itself.
March 30
Fools and Forgiveness
It seems you lost Onesimus for a little while so that you could have him back forever.
Philemon 1:15 NLT
“Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.”
This popular secular proverb has it place, but there are higher principles that we have access to as believers.
Paul writes this letter as an appeal on a slave’s (Onesimus) behalf that his owner, Philemon would receive him back with an open heart and mind. Setting aside the issue of “slavery” there is a wonderful principle of healing and restoration reflected in this one chapter book.
The Apostle intercedes with a variety of just reasons for Philemon to receive him back, but the one cited in verse 13 is a compelling one, Onesimus is different now.
Philemon was apparently a generous and loving person. He was probably also a good leader and businessperson. He knew how to get things done, and he knew when to cut ties with a losing effort. Onesimus had let his boss down, and he was convinced that there was no correcting such a failure.
Paul is sending Onesimus home to Philemon with the conviction that his time away had changed him.
Many times, those we love and count on can let us down. When it happens repeatedly, it’s hard not to grow jaded and hopeless.
Sometimes we have to let people go on a “journey”, trust them to the Lord, and let Him use time and circumstances to bring His goodness into their lives.
Never stop praying when a loved one is disconnected from you. God can and will arrange events and divine encounters for our wayward loved ones.
Remember He loves every person more than you ever can. And if He can heal a broken person, we can heal a fractured relationship with genuine forgiveness.
Maybe we should reconsider the secular proverb, and embrace a rewrite?
“Forgive once, good for you.
Forgive twice, good for God in you”.
March 31
Try It, You’ll Like It
Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good;
Psalm 34:8a
One of the funniest (and perhaps most frustrating) things we do as parents is trying to get children to taste food set before them. Items we enjoy apparently look gross to children. Growing up I never liked cheese on anything, ever. When my mother made “cheesecake”, I wouldn’t even try it because of the association with cheese. My older brother Jim attempted for years to get me just to “taste” it to no avail.
Until one day I did! Ah, the smooth, sweet taste of cheesecake. There’s nothing like it. Suddenly there was contention for pieces of this dessert, and regret on Jim’s part that he convinced me just to “taste it.”
Those of us who know how very good the Lord is and how wonderful His Word is to us, experience frustration at those who haven’t even “tasted” of the Lord’s presence and yet rail against Him.
Here’s a challenge for those who are hesitant to take even the smallest step of faith:
Try living like a follower of Jesus for 30 days.
- Read the Bible,
- Talk to the Lord in prayer,
- Hang-out with other believers,
- Love people like Jesus commanded;
And, if at the end of this “tasting” period you decide your other way of living was better, then go back to it.
Go ahead and take a taste.