In the summer of 2004…

the Lord impressed upon the hearts of Pastor Bob and Sherry Reeve to consider expanding their ministry role from that of staff pastors, to founders and leaders of a new work. Bob and Sherry had been with Faith Community Church, West Covina CA, for 25 years as both volunteers and staff, and the opportunities and challenges of ministry were amazing—which made it even more surprising that the Lord would ask them to consider a fresh expression of ministry in a different area. Bob and Sherry approached their Senior Pastors (Bob’s brother and sister-in-law) Dr. Jim and Marguerite Reeve, with this calling and as the Lord led, the plans were birthed to partner together to begin a church in Orange County.

With the significant and generous support from their home church, and after about 4 months of prayer and core leadership mobilization, The Cause began public services in January of 2005 at the Edwards Theater on Birch Street in Downtown Brea. An involvement base of 500 plus people prayed, worshipped, studied, and served the King in this start up church plant.

But the passion of living for “the Cause of Christ” has not lessened; contrarily it is more intense and effective than ever.

Services continued for four years in the theaters, during which an industrial building on Beacon Street was purchased and then built out to serve as the current home for our congregation. During the four years of pre-facility development, the foundational elements of the church were establish including Life Groups, passionate worship, fantastic children and youth ministry, tireless service, and a love for the teaching of the Word.

Today, The Cause has regular involvement of over 1,500 people, a broad spectrum of ministries, and a wonderful facility.

But the passion of living for “the Cause of Christ” has not lessened; contrarily it is more intense and effective than ever.  Each week people are making decisions for Christ, responding to the love and God, embracing the freeing power of the Holy Spirit in their lives, and partnering to love and serve our local communities.

We hope that the next chapter of the story includes you!