“A King, But Not The One Expected”
READING: Matthew 21:1-11
Jesus had traveled to Jerusalem on many occasions, but this time it was different. His three years of ministry had created a groundswell amongst the populace ready to proclaim Him king of the Jews. The buzz in Jerusalem (which was swollen with over a million Passover pilgrims) concerned the Roman occupiers and threatened to rob the Jewish religious establishment of their annual moment of glory. Nevertheless, as Jesus rode down the Mount of Olives on a colt, throngs of people crowded the path celebrating Him shouting, “Hosanna, Hosanna in the highest” (Hosanna means “save” or “savior”).
While the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem did fulfill Old Testament prophecy, His intentions were not what the people anticipated. The crowd expected to be delivered from the Roman oppressors. They failed to hear Jesus when He said repeatedly that His calling was spiritual, not political.
Misunderstandings about Jesus, His life, and work continue to this day nearly 2,000 years later. But for those who open their hearts and souls, the Savior has indeed brought forth freedom and invited all into His Kingdom. Our challenge then, is to see Jesus not through the filter of our own expectations, but as the Word of God reveals Him.
He is our Lord and Savior, Champion and Defender, Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End.
Now would be a good time to lift up some praise to the Lord.