“Concern For Others”

READING: John 13:1-20

When Jesus was facing His most difficult hours, His concern was only for the people He loved. Prior to His late night arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus invited and prepared for a fabulous Passover meal with His disciples; and before that, He knelt before each of them and washed their feet. He spoke to His followers about the deep love He had for them, and encouraged them to love one another. He even was broken-hearted over Judas’ impending betrayal and ultimate demise. After supper in the upper room where He forever changed the meaning of “breaking bread,” He departed for the garden with a few of His closest friends and prayed fervently for the unity, strength, and future of all who would follow Him.

This deep passion for mankind ultimately led Him to the Cross where He suffered but also won complete freedom for all. He loves us despite what we did to Him. It is love that wins over hate. It is love that defeats selfishness. It is love that overpowers darkness. It is love for which Satan has no answer.

Friend, you too may be facing some difficult things. Jesus came to not only demonstrate how love wins, but to actually be with you as you face your own dark times. He is unlike any other.

Today, take a few minutes to celebrate communion. Get a piece of bread and some juice or wine, sit down, and reflect on the incredible love of the Savior.