If you have an urgent prayer need, please use the form below to send us your request. We have a team of prayer warriors who will be contacted with your request and pray for you.
For any questions, please call the church at 714.255.0930.
You can also send an email to prayer@thecause.cc
For any questions, please call the church at 714.255.0930.
1st Wednesday @ 7pm
The Spirit of the Lord is moving in our church, in our services, in our midst! What an honor to host the Presence of God. Come experience Jesus in a new and fresh way at Worship & Prayer at 7pm on the first Wednesday of the month.
Every Wednesday @ noon
Our Noon Call Out is a time to come together and call out to Jesus and seek His Healing, His Hope, His Provision and His Protection. Every Wednesday at Noon.
Third Thursday @ 7pm
Twice Monthly,
2nd & 4th Thursday in September
This connect group meets at church @ 7pm
Tuesday Evenings @ 9pm,
starting in September
(605) 313-5798
Access Code: 4014300
Healing Scriptures